The Order of Ansiel

The Order of Ansiel is a subsect of the Church of Selune. It is less overt than the Moon Knights or the Lunatics, who defend Selune's domain with zealous vigor. The Order on Ansiel instead operates from the moonlit shadows, serving as the eyes and ears of the Selunites, and occassionally as their dagger. They are wholly devoted to thwarting the machinations of Selune's rivals, The Bitch Queen Umberlee, and Shar. The order is named after Ansiel, a celestial who founded the Church of Selune on Toril hundreds of years ago.

Presently, the Order of Ansiel has employed the skills of the Tabaxi, Hushed Candle, to seek out and silence a man named Aidan Gil. Gil belonged to the Kraken Society, a shadowy cabal connected to Umberlee. An Asimar Cleric named Irin hired the Tabaxi assassin, finding the latter's sense of justice and vengence to be exactly what the Order needed, even if the Tabaxi was freelancing instead of joining the Order formally.

The Order operates primarily from Waterdeep, but has agents throughout the major cities of Faerun, embedded in the local temples and churches dedicated to Selune, including one in the fortress-city of Mirabar. It is there that Hushed Candle is supposed to report after completing her current contract, if only to collect payment. Irin never specified who the contact is in that city, but the Selunite temple is as good of a starting place as any.


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