The White that Wends

Travelling the Valley of Khedrun

General Summary

The Muffin Men took a few days to convalesce after their run in with the Drow infiltrators in the forges of Mithral Hall. They took the opportunity to unload a lot of loot accumulated over the previous months, and replenished their supply of potions. Some of the group spent gold by the thousands to acquire new armaments, preparing for the trecherous journey through the Valley of Khedrun in search of the Eye of the All-Father.
   In a show of appreciation for their efforts in defending Mithral Hall from the attackers, Queen Dagnabbet Waybeard summoned the silver dragon, Clarion, to provide transport to the party from Mithral Hall to the northern portion of the valley. This allowed the group to avoid the dangerous Lurkwood and saved days of trudging through ever-deepening snow. Landing late in the day in near-whiteout conditions, Clarion left the Muffin Men near a ruined stone structure. There, the party sought some refuge from the driving snow, and camped the night. Kaziganthi recognized the building as an abandoned travelers' rest, dedicated to Marthammor Duin. The dwarf prayed to his god, and offered some supplies in his name to whatever travelers may find shelter among those ruined walls. For this, Kaz was blessed by Marthammor Duin with a magical charm.
   The next morning the snow cleared enough to provide the group with a view of the land. To their surprise, a large number of humanoids had passed within a few hundred feet of the ruins, seemingly being chased or stalked by large beasts. They followed the tracks for half a day to the northeast, and found the grisly scene. Dozens of slain tribals, some of them noncombatants, laid all over a small gully and the surrounding hillsides. Some investigation revealed a dead, furry white wolf the size of a dire wolf, along with evidence of Frost Giants. Kaz took a moment to interrogate a murder of crows about what transpired, and learned the tribals were attacked by a number of winter wolves and Frost Giants. Nike found footprints leading off to the North into the woods, and the group quickly took chase.
   Following a small creek, the party soon came upon a clearing and a pond. There, they found a trio of Winter Wolves greedily devouring a humanoid torso, and a pair of Frost Giants bandaging their wounds. The nervous giants and wolves were hyperaware, spotting the stealthy party almost instantly. With that, the Muffin Men joined battle. Ophio took on his role as mobile artillery, bombarding his enemies with a pair of fireballs. Kauth and Kaz stood shoulder to shoulder in a brutal melee that nearly cost both their lives. Nike found himself near death as well, almost becoming dinner for a winter wolf. As the group prepared for the inevitable, another Frost Giant charged in, hurling a rock with tremendous force. The boulder sailed through the air and impacted one of the hostile giants with a wet thud, crushing the giant's skull and sending him tumbling. The adventurers quickly turned to the remaining giant and wolves and dispatched them.
   Having heard of a Frost Giant wearing a dragon skull as a helm, they knew their savior to be named Harshnag. Introductions would have to wait, though, as the group collapsed in exhaustion in the snow, thankful for their lives.

Character(s) interacted with

Harshnag, the Frost Giant
Clarion, the Silver Dragon
Report Date
13 Dec 2019


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