
The most populous city in all of Faerun, and rival in power to Baldur's Gate, the City of Splendors is a bustling trading port on the Western coast of Faerun. Considered part of the Western Heartlands, despite being located some 150 miles north of Daggerport, the city projects its power into the surrounding lands. Ruled by a fluctuating number of hidden Masked Lords of Waterdeep, and a singular Open Lord whose identity is publicly known.   The Muffin Men sought assistance from a mage known as Chazlauth Yarghorn, who suggested they seek an alliance with an ancient green dragon against the giants. Chazlauth then prepared a teleportation circle to take the party to Yartar, only to have the ritual interrupted by his pet baby silver dragon. The teleportation mishap resulted in the party being deposited in the middle of The Stone Bridge.


Ruled by a varying number of masked lords (currently 12) and a single open lord. The identities of the masked lords are known only to the open lord.
Alternative Name(s)
The City of Splendors
Large city
Related Reports (Primary)


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