
Yartar is a large trading city located along the Dessarin River. The city is known for the riverboats and barges produced there, as well as for facilitating much of the trade coming along the Evermoor Way.   The riverboat casino for the wealthy, called The Grand Dame, is moored along the docks of Yartar. It is owned by Khaspere Drylund.
The city was the site of a werewolf attack involving a transformed Borgan Tometiller on 30 Marpenoth, 1490 DR. Behold Tengo lost his life in a fight with employees of Khaspere Drylund and Pow Ming .


Yartar is governed by a Waterbaron, elected by landowning citizens of the city. The current Waterbaron is a woman named Nestra Ruthiol. There are 8 other council members in addition to Nestra Ruthiol. Councilwomen Albina and Estrela, and Councilman Kirsa are in the pocket of Khaspere Drylund . Councilwoman Inge and Councilman Sabela are loyal to the current Waterbaron, Nestra Ruthiol .


Surrounded by a stone wall some 30-60 ft tall, and 10 - 30 ft thick.

Industry & Trade

Yartar trades in all sorts of supplies, but directly manufactures barges and other riverboats for the purposes of facilitating trade along the Dessarin River.


Waterbaron's Hall

The central government building of Yartar, serving as an inn for visiting dignitaries and a meeting location for the Waterbaron's council.

The Wink and Kiss

A tavern and festhall located just East of the Fishmarket. The tavern is declared a safe haven for all who enter, and requires weapons be checked at the door. It is rumored to be run by the Hand of Yartar, the local thieves guild.

The Drylund Compound

The collection of residences and business offices belonging to Khaspere Drylund make up this compound. It has a warehouse, 3 residence/offices and a main residence/office where Pow Ming resides presently. The former Drylund offices are also on this property, but have been destroyed by uncontrolled plant growth around the ~200 ft tall tree which formed over the spot where Behold Tengo died.

Guilds and Factions

The Hands of Yartar are an all-female thieves guild that controls the city's black market, trades in secrets, and facilitates all sorts of unsavory transactions among the darker elements of Yartaran society.


On 30 Marpenoth, 1490 DR, Borgan Tometiller was embraced by the enthralling touch of Lycanthropy while inside of the offices of Drylund Gaming and Entertainment. In his wolf-form, he rampaged through the neighboring homes slaughtering with wanton abandon. In all, some 18 people lost their lives in the immediate carnage, and many more were swept up in the days of vigilante justice that followed. The night is known among the townsfolk as the Night of the Wailing Bloodmoon.
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