
The Zhentarim, or The Black Network, is a secretive organization that spans Faerun. Founded in 1261 DR, the organization's power has ebbed and flowed throughout its 200+ year history. They primarily deal in the smuggling of goods, illicit and otherwise, and the sale and trade of information.   The Zhentarim took a particular interest in the village of Nightstone even before it was attacked by Cloud Giants. An agent by the name of Kella Darkhope infiltrated the town and sought to establish Zhentarim control over the local lord. The attack on the town resulted in the deaths of the local lord, and Kella summoned her compatriots to try and fill the vacuum. Their plot was foiled by four adventurers, but Kella was able to keep her life thanks to some skillful diplomacy.   Months later, the adventurers again encountered the Zhentarim, and Kella Darkhope, in the ruins of Nesme. There, they learned the Zhentarim were allied with and employed by the Fire Giants under Duke Zalto for an unknown, but clearly nefarious purpose. The extent of the dealings between the Zhentarim and Duke Zalto are currently unknown, but developments in Mithral Hall have alerted the party to the fact that Duke Zalto has many different shadowy groups currently in his employ.
Illicit, Syndicate
Alternative Names
The Black Network


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