Casimir Blackthorn Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Casimir Blackthorn

Casimir Blackthorn, an embodiment of precision and discipline, is an enigmatic figure in the dueling circles of Athkatla. With chiseled features and piercing sapphire eyes, he exudes an air of calculated intensity. His jet-black hair, kept immaculately groomed, frames a face etched with focus and determination. Clad in a suit of meticulously maintained armor, Casimir's every movement is deliberate and controlled. His reputation as a master of swordplay is well-deserved, his every strike a testament to his unyielding pursuit of perfection. Though his interactions with Ellis Everett are marked by vicious competition, there is an unspoken respect that lingers between them, born out of their shared ambition and mutual desire to continually push the boundaries of their abilities.
Year of Death
1686 DR
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Ellis Everett


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