Cowled Wizards Organization in Faerûn | World Anvil

Cowled Wizards

The Cowled Wizards were a secretive cabal of wizards in Amn formed in the 13th century DR. While they were originally guardians of arcane knowledge and lore, their years of obsessively monitoring foreign mages who traveled to the Merchant's Domain, caused them to gradually transform into a autocratic authority over magic in the nation.   Overall, the Cowled Wizards detest unsanctioned uses of magic in Amn and either censure or otherwise eliminate offenders to protect the practice of the Art. Some Cowled Wizards wield their power for their own gain, eliminating their political and financial rivals and securing agreements that were not sanctioned by the organization as a whole.   When they were not undertaking official business, the Cowled Wizards worked as merchants, librarians, apothecaries or other similar professions. While anonymity was paramount to their operations, members are allowed to reveal their identity to immediate family, and typically knew the identity of two or three fellow Wizards.
Governmental, Inquisitorial
Controlled Territories


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