Silas Nashivaar Character in Faerûn | World Anvil

Silas Nashivaar

Silas Nashivaar is the former leader of the Nashivaar family. He was known as a wise and pragmatic leader who was well respected by all those who served with him. His closest confidant and longest ally was Mavros Ilios who now serves as an envoy and once steward with Lucius Nashivaar as his ward. Silas had a thirst for adventure and was know to take long trips away from Amn into Maztica and Chult in order to learn the local customs of the people as well as find greater physical challenges for himself. Unfortunately, he was killed on one of those adventures in 1653 DR.
Date of Death
1653 DR
Year of Birth
1598 DR 88 Years old
Circumstances of Death
Place of Death
Aligned Organization


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