Sothillisian War Military Conflict in Faerûn | World Anvil

Sothillisian War

The Sothillisian War was a war between the nation of Amn and the Sothillisian Empire with the goal of recovering the lost Armory of Nedeheim, that lasted over four years, from 1370 to 1374 DR. The ogre mage Sothillis and his mate Cyrvisnea began this war by leading their army of kobolds, goblins, hill giants and ogres, supported by Cyricists in an attack on the empire of Amn. The four year conflict resulted in major strategic defeats within Amn, the creation of Muranndin, and the enslavement of thousands of Amnian citizens.
Conflict Type
Start Date
1370 DR
Ending Date
1374 DR


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