The Black Frog Building / Landmark in Faerûn | World Anvil

The Black Frog

The Black Frog Inn is a two-story building with a quaint, ivy-covered facade. Its architecture combines rustic charm with a touch of elegance, boasting a welcoming entrance adorned with a carved wooden sign featuring the image of a sleek black frog. Inside, the inn exudes warmth, with wooden beams and panels, soft lighting, and comfortable seating arrangements that invite guests to unwind and relax.
  The main common area, with its crackling fireplace, serves as the heart of the inn, providing a cozy gathering space for patrons to socialize, share stories, and enjoy the inn's warm hospitality. The aroma of hearty meals wafts from the attached dining area, while a well-stocked bar offers an impressive selection of spirits, ales, and wines.

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