The Counters Organization in Faerûn | World Anvil

The Counters

The Counters are a mysterious and secretive group that operates within the kingdom of Amn, tasked with enforcing the hierarchical structure and societal rank of its citizens. Their primary role is to deliver new tokens that signify an individual's changing status in society, marking their ascent or descent within the kingdom's rigid hierarchy. The Counters are shrouded in secrecy, and despite their significant influence, little is known about their true identities or the methods they employ to carry out their duties.
  Due to their elusive nature, The Counters have become the subject of rumors and legends. Some say they possess magical abilities that allow them to observe individuals from afar, determining their worthiness for rank changes. Others whisper that The Counters have the ability to alter fate itself, shaping the destinies of those within Amn's society. These tales, however, remain unconfirmed, adding to the air of mystery surrounding the group.
Government, Secret Service

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