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Dosnia's Sky Foundry

Upon a massive "solid" cloud, sits a red brick castle. An abandoned cloud giant fortress, it stands about ten stories with large smoke stacks billowing a white odorless smoke. Repurposed by Dosnia Vabir to serve the sky community as a major port, as well as blacksmith and forge, ship factory, industrial complex, and home away from home.

Dozens of giant windows, now installed with sliding garage doors and long docking platforms, allow ships to come and go as they seek ship repairs, the procurement of good forged steel, or to give their crews a night of leave with spacious rooms and plenty of food and frivolity. As The Stormherald comes around the front of the Sky Foundry, you see inside the main castle doors as a heavily damaged and massive sky dreadnought floats slowly into port.

**FOR DM**
The dreadnought is a Chultan vessle, seeking repairs from the civil war transpiring in the south. Captain Geshtah Foondine can be seen fussing over the maintanence of The Cataclst


Below is the cost of items and build out for affixing to the ship:

Warship Reinforcements
-5ft Combat Speed
-10% Travel Speed
+40 Hull Health
Cost - $3500 gp

Additional support beams within the hold, coupled with iron bolts, provide resilience against splintering and improves the integrity of the entire hull. The extra weight displaces more water, slightly limiting of the speed and maneuverability of the vessel.

Improved Warship Reinforcements
+50 Hull Health
Cost - $6,000 gp

Additional support beams within the hold, coupled with durgan steel bolts, provide resilience against splintering and improves the integrity of the entire hull. The lessened weight of the durgan steel offsets the extra weight of the additional supports.

Lightning Lance
Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 40
Roll 1d4, recharges on 3-4
Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 60 ft. straight line, one target. Hit: (4d8) lightning damage.
Cost - $4,000 gp

Magranite Firethrower
Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 40
Roll 1d4, recharges on 3-4
Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 60 ft. straight line, one target. Hit: (4d8) fire damage.
Cost - $4,000 gp

Armor Class: 18
Hit Points: 45
Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 500/2000 ft., one target. Hit: (4d10) bludgeoning damage.

Armor Class: 15
Hit Points: 35
Cost: 1 Action
Ranged Spell Amplifier: Doubles the range on any ranged spell attack



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