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Manticores were true monsters. They were giant beasts with the bodies of lions, the wings of a dragon, the head of a man, and a tail that ended in a mass of deadly spikes. The coloration of these various body parts was similar to that of their base creature.

The mouth of a manticore was full of rows and rows of razor-sharp teeth, similar to that of a great white shark. It used these teeth to feed upon any creature the manticore could catch, be it animal or human.


Manticores were known to be savage man-eaters and allies of evil creatures. Manticores were intelligent creatures and often worked beside other evil beings to bring strife and suffering to the world.


Some manticores had tail spikes that carried lethal or paralytic venom. Often, these manticores would have tails that were similar in appearance to that of a scorpion's stinger.


In the Year of the Groaning Cart, 1267 DR, manticores, along with harpies and perytons, destroyed the city of Lis in the Moonsea region in what was known as the Flying Plague.


Manticores were carnivorous creatures. Though they happy settled for the flesh of most any creature, they preferred the flesh of humans most of all.


Manticores were typically known to make their lairs underground or within caves, particularly ones that other races would consider to be very dismal.


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