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Rhok's Marvelous Menagerie

A grey and gold scaled dragonborn displays a stall of wonderous items upon a floating, ornamental rug.

Below are the items for sale:

Arcane Scrolls:
(Hideous Laughter (150 gp), Misdirection (150 gp), Shatter (150 gp)) (total 450 gp)

Elemental Gem (2250 gp) (design provides clue to function)
This distinctive item once belonged to the legendary adventurer Suse Adard, who defeated Lord Greywulf.

Potion of Cure Light Wounds (50 gp)
This bubbling ichor smells sour.

Potion of Mage Armor (50 gp)
This clear draught smells like rotting fish.

Potion of Pass without Trace (50 gp)
This clear admixture causes the air to become still and cold when used.

Potion of Reduce Person (250 gp)
This watery liquid causes shadows to appear darker when used.

Rod of Cancellation (11000 gp)
This masterwork willow rod was created by a god of magic for his most loyal champion.

Staff of Passage (35 of 50 charges) (119350 gp)
This thin staff also shines like a lantern upon command.

Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (31 of 50 charges) (6975 gp)
This battered wand once belonged to the halfling wizard Tomond Bedde, who slew the Serpent of the Black Fen.
Shop, Magic


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