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Session 17 - The Waterdeep Museum of High Art

Benoa's people tracked the buyer's whereabouts back to the Waterdeep Museum of High Art


Set in the bustling Civics and Arts disctrict -- government buildings and monuments line the streets. Professionals young and old rush from one place to the next. Small street carts selling food, wares, or services take up the street corners hoping to bring home some coin.
The Waterdeep Museum of High Art, built against a natural outcropping of black marble, and with vibrant green crystaline pillars and roof, stands over one hundred feet tall with four stories of tall, grandiose windows accent around the exdges with gold leaf. The carved stone and crystal are of exquisite detail depicting iconography of the Faerun gods forming the world. Black iron-wrought sconces with green, continual flame alight the perimeter of the building as well as each window -- the light of the flame cascading off the green crystal in a sickly and unjulating sort of way. An unwelcoming aura.

Museum Details

Modern Innovations - Artificing from Everlund
Some odd looking suits of armor, immoble and propped up against the wall
Fossil Exhibition - Fossils of long forgotten monsters
  • Phase Spider (the arachnid demon): The spiney bone structure of a spider the size of a small garden shed. Born from sorcery eons ago, these spiders developed the uncanny ability to teleport away from harm, or in the case of a tasty meal, toward their prey.

Creation Exhibition - Fascinating story on how the gods created Faerun as performed by high-level illusionists

Classical Works:

Grand Director Zhaal Umazz:

At the head of the organization is Zhaal Umazz, an oily and morally corrupt collector who will stop at nothing to obtain a treasure. (SECRETS: Umazz is really a dragon in disguise and the museum is its hoard.)
Umazz does not lift a finger when his mechanized guard can do the job. The automatons will defend Umazz until their last circuit is fried.

Heist Ideas:
Blueprints/schematics - Provided by the Bard
Identification/Verification -
Entrances/Escape Plan -
Bribes for information -
Discover the security measures -
Will there be a stakeout?
Guard Info Gathering - rotation, security pass, access to restricted area
  • Poison/drug the guards

  • Lady to lie with guard


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