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The Plane of Decay

The Plane of Decay festers like a pustule in the planar spheres, the embodiment of all that is wretched. The land itself in this realm is made of spongy, putrefying flesh riddled with boils - inflamed blisters are like hills and infected open wounds are like canyons.

Thick black hairs grow like trees from the decaying ground. A river runs slowly and thickly with bodily wastes and fluids through the land, frothing and scabbing along its banks. The air hangs as a stagnant mix of poisonous and pestilent vapors that showers this horrid realm with a rain of bile.

A host of creatures infest this land of perpetual degeneration. Arachnids, rats and larvae scuttle, scurry and squirm across the land's surface or below it in caves. Flymen and Malarians prowl the bubbling swamps. The plane's most prominent denizen is an enitity known as The Withering Rot, a god-like disease that moves about the Plane of Decay like a howling wind.

The Withering Rot

As the god of decay, the Withering Rot can manifest through any type of rot. The deity creates long tentacles of rotting matter that sprout from spots of decay. Each tendril is about 20 feet long and can freely manifest and move from one stop of rot to the next, within reach. These putrid tentacles can slam at the god's enemies and implant immobilized or sleeping creatures with the Seed of Rot. These tendrils could feed on decaying matter, and after devouring enough, they sprouted a bulb that matured into another independent tendril. These manifestations died and disintegrated when left without food after one-to-eight months.

Also goes by alias: The Darkbringer, The Rotting God, The Great Dread God, The Creeping God, The Foul God, and "Old Moldy"

The Seed of Rot

This spell enslaved sentient beings to the will of the Withering Rot by converting them into seeds of rot which were then transformed into servants of the Withering Rot. The first step of this spell involved wrapping an emerald fragment in a rotting leaf, soaking it in unholy water for one full day, and then cursing it in the name of the Withering Rot. The priest then cast seed of rot on the seed, transforming it into a sticky green burr about the size of a chestnut.

The seed of rot could easily attach to the skin of any sentient creature who was not a minion of the Withering Rot. The seeds could be thrown but would not burst unless they made contact with flesh. After making contact, the seed would burst and release a 3 ft diameter cloud of spores that would be inhaled by any creature within range.

If not treated, the inhaled spores transformed the victim into the Withering Rot's puppet within several days. The victim's entrails were also transformed into rotting tendrils that would eventually prove fatal after a month or two. The only change in the victim's appearance from the outside would be a scent of pollen that clung to them and a small vine that wrapped around one of their ears. The victim would spread the seed of Moander to others with any exchange of body fluids.

The Withering Rot's slave retained all of their skills and abilities, but all of their thoughts were known to the god. They could sprout a pair of 10 ft long tentacles used to strike enemies.

A seed of rot could be destroyed by dousing it with holy water and blessing it. The victim could be cured by drinking holy water within one hour of being infected. Drinking holy water within two days would slow the infection down by half. A cure disease spell would stop the infection and allow the victim to slowly begin healing. Cold magic that did a significant amount of harm to the victim's body would also kill all of the spores.


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