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  The human Karos was born under the mysterious moonlight of Selûne in the bustling city of Waterdeep in the Forgotten Realms. His origin remained shrouded in secrecy, as he was left on the doorstep of a troupe of traveling actors known as the Whispering Harlequins. The members of the troupe discovered the infant with a crescent-shaped birthmark on his palm, a sign believed to be tied to the ancient Moonmaiden. They took him in, raising him amidst the colorful wagons and lively performances.   Growing up among the troupe, Karos developed a natural affinity for the theatrical arts. His early years were filled with acrobatics, illusions, and storytelling. The actors taught him the art of deception and the power of words, skills that would later prove invaluable in his unconventional life.   Karos's true potential revealed itself during a fateful night when a mysterious mage joined the troupe temporarily. Intrigued by the boy's uncanny abilities, the mage recognized the latent magical talent within Karos. Under the mage's guidance, Karos began to explore the arcane arts, honing his innate magical abilities.   As Karos grew older, he found himself drawn to the underbelly of Waterdeep. The bustling city provided the perfect cover for his burgeoning criminal activities. His magical prowess allowed him to slip through shadows unnoticed, and his association with the Whispering Harlequins provided an ideal front for his clandestine endeavors. Karos became known for his expert heists, using his magical skills to disarm traps and overcome any obstacles in his path.   Karos harbored a deep-seated resentment for the ruling powers of Waterdeep. His experiences with corruption and injustice fueled a burning desire to challenge the established order. His performances with the Whispering Harlequins became a clever way to disseminate anti-authoritarian messages, often masked as harmless entertainment. Karos used his illusions and enchantments to weave subversive tales that resonated with those who felt oppressed by the government. When apprehended by the authorities Karos often says "I didn't vote for that law."   As Karos, the rogue mage, continued his double life, he earned a notorious reputation throughout Waterdeep. His actions drew the attention of both the criminal underworld and the city's authorities. In the forgotten corners of Waterdeep, Karos continued his rebellion against the established order, driven by a relentless pursuit of justice, freedom, and the echoes of his mysterious past.   Personality Traits: I am always calm no matter what the situation. I never raise my voice.
Ideals: Loyal only to my friends.
Bonds: I want power and freedom to go to the majority.
Flaws: If an innocent person goes to jail for something I did I am OK with that.

Connection To Gundren

Karos, a rogue mage with a knack for slipping through shadows, stumbled upon Gundren Rockseeker during one of his covert excursions near the village of Phandalin. Intrigued by the dwarf's tales of ancient ruins and untold riches hidden within the Wave Echo Cave, Karos saw an opportunity for profit.   Gundren, impressed by Karos's stealth and magical prowess, recognized him as a valuable asset for his expedition. Knowing Karos's penchant for secrecy and independence, Gundren proposed a partnership of convenience. He offered Karos a generous sum to provide information and assist his companions from the shadows, without committing to a long-term alliance.   Karos, enticed by the promise of wealth and adventure, accepted Gundren's offer. Though he didn't accompany Gundren and the hired adventurers directly, Karos agreed to keep an eye on their progress and provide assistance when needed. Gundren entrusted Karos with a letter containing essential details about the mission and instructions on how to contact him in Phandalin.   As Gundren and his companions set out on their journey, Karos remained in the shadows, ready to seize any opportunity that would lead to riches and glory."
Lawful Evil


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