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Prophecy of the return of the Umbra Seraph

In the veiled twilight's embrace, a knight's gleaming soul dims 'neath whispers dark,
Selune's champion swayed by Shar's cunning art.
From the depths where shadows dwell, a gathering force hears darkness swell,
shaping Anchors 'neath twilight's spell, to breach the realms where sorrows swell.
Across the realms, four beacons stand, channels for eternal twilight's hand.
In unseen places, the Anchors lie, crafted by the Cult 'neath Shar's sly eye.
Twilight's veil they seek to spread, 'fore Alaric's army shall darkness wed.

Amidst the silent embrace of the New Moon's shadow, when the celestial dancer veils her radiant face on the eve of the Winter Solstice, the anchor stirs in the heart of the North.
Where the spine of the world meets the weeping ice,
a tear forms not of sorrow but of the earth’s embrace.
Beneath the towering sentinel of the north,
where glaciers once kissed the sky,
the anchor of twilight rests,
shrouded in twilight’s veil.
Seek the frozen cascade that mirrors the All-Father's grief,
for there the shadows gather at the foot of the great tear.

Within a labyrinth's ancient sprawl, on an isle where shadows fall,
seekers wander, hearts held tight, guided by the moon's soft light.
When summer's full moon, its brilliance aglow, casts shadows where secrets grow,
within the island's silent bower, the anchor stirs with twilight's power.

When winter's cresent moon lights the sky, beneath the waves where secrets lie.
In lands where twilight's dance holds sway, seekers in the Moonshae's bay,
Where coral trails mark the sacred place, seekers shall find the hidden gate.
Amidst the glow of shimmering trails, the anchor rests, where darkness veils.

In the shadowed heart of the forest deep, where ancient giants their vigils keep,
Beneath the boughs of towering might, where day's embrace yields to night,
Seekers shall find a blighted land, where scars of battle still stand,
At summer's crescent moon's soft glow, when shadows dance and secrets flow,
There, amidst the darkened boughs, the anchor lies, its presence avowed.

In the whispers of the ancient cavern's song, the final path emerges, winding long.
Where twilight's cloak meets the earth's embrace, and shadows linger in forgotten space.
As the Winter New Moon's darkness takes flight, and the sun hides its radiant light.
Beneath the eclipse's ominous hue, the Umbra Seraph shall rise anew.


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