A0 - Rough Beginnings

General Summary

ACT 0 - Rough beginnings

1496.WI.21   In the distant land Maztica, across the Trackless Sea, a wood Elf called Maple Barkenskin and a Human called Albert Boatman board "The Kilmaine" a vessel set for Ruathym. However whilst upon the long and dangerous voyage the God Talos furious of unknown events far away rises up and causes waves to crash against unsuspecting and ill prepared ships. Battering the hulls and causing the crews to vomit and have sleepless nights. Even the hardy experienced sailors pray hourly to Talos for mercy. However their luck went from bad to worse when a pirating ship of Drow boarded them. The crew were caught off guard as no one would have thought any ship in the horrendous weather would be considering anything other than survival. The crew were quickly slaughtered however Maple and Albert fought their way from the hold to the deck.   Suddenly a huge wave tossed the pirate ship into the side of the Kilmaine causing catastrophic damage. The impact catapulted Maple and Albert off the deck and into the sea. Even in the harsh weather, Albert a seafarer himself could see the pirate ship and Kilmaine going down. Small amount of debris floated atop the sea and the pair were fortunate enough to find pieces to aid their flotation. For days the pair clung to driftwood cast across the sea. Weak, hungry and thirst all hope seemed to be fading.   On the final day the sea appeared to calm as the pair washed ashore a foreign and strange land. Lost and barely able to walk the pair staggered inland looking for aid.   Meanwhile not far to the north in the large city of Neverwinter a human called Raziel Willow, a Dwarf named Grimnir Darkbane and a Tiefling wizard named Mordia enjoyed a lukewarm ale in a tavern. Gossiping amongst themselves they recounted the rumours they had heard whilst ear wigging, fishing for information or even paying for it. They had already put together that a number of high profile heists in the city were probably down to one criminal or one organisation. Seeing an opportunity to earn some gold the group headed to the Hall of Justice to speak with the city guard. When arriving the once proud building was now dilapidated, the door ajar and the inside appearing almost abandoned. Creeping in the trio could hear the sound of talking and faint candle light coming from further in. Stepping over the various papers and dead leaves on the floor the group found Captain Vimes sat in his office talking to a constable. Vimes explained that the entire city guard were severely underpaid and not supported. He had to send most of the constables home as he wasn't able to pay them. Only a few remained, loyal to Vimes or to the city. The small group had been trying to to deal with a cities worth of crime and crime was on the rise. Captain Vimes happily gave the trio a few details of the different crimes, but said there would be no aid if they needed it and set them on their way.   Firstly the green adventurers set their sights on the city docks, "good drinking there" Grimnir had said. In the Driftwood tavern they met a merchant by the name of Amal Tan, a wealthy textile merchant from Amn. He explained that he had fine silks and furs stolen from the hull of his ship. Grimnir canvassing the tavern noticed that a large Goliath stood in the corner intently watching Amal Tan and the two adventurers. Whilst keeping an eye on him and talking to the other merchants, Grimnir learnt that Amal Tan was trying to make an "In-sur-ance claim", apparently something foreign from Amn. Raziel and Mordia now realizing that Grimnir had a few ales in him and was clearly wobbing around laughing and shouting with the patrons decided to leave him here.   Heading out of the docks the duo headed for the Tower district, the posher side of Neverwinter. Knocking on the door of the Chamberling household the group hoped to solve the case of a stolen magical sword. They were abruptly greeted by a servant who explained that the Master was out with his sweetheart taking a walk. However the servant did give a key piece of information that "The Master doesn't have a sword, he wouldn't even know what to do with one if he did". Fortune did have it though as the two were walking away from the door Lord Chamberlin and his pretty fiancee arrived. Sticking to his story Chamberlin protested that his magical sword had been stolen from his study and if he did still have it woe betide the scoundrels that would dare to rob him. When the two pressed for details such as the method of entry and a description of the sword he became very vague and no longer willing to let the "riff raff" enter his house.   Other merchants and stalls had also been targeted including a healer and baker. Finally the miners guild had a large sum of money stolen from the vault.   After finding different clues at each site the trio found themselves at the Forgotten Orphanage in the slum district. Here they saw how badly the city was struggling with the poorest of its citizens struggling to eat and keep themselves warm. They had stolen the bread to feed the masses, stolen the herbs and remedies to heal the sick and wounded. They had also stolen only the furs left on the deck of the ship to keep the people warm. The other reported thefts were either greedy merchants trying to claim more had been stolen or inside jobs such as the Miners guild. The trio decided not to give the names of the thieves to Captain Vimes of the city watch, for this the people have their thanks and aid if needed.

Rewards Granted

Rudy Robins promised aid of the slum district, for not turning them in to Captain Vimes.

Missions/Quests Completed

Solved the string of thefts through out the city. Discovered it was citizens from the slum district dying of starvation and the cold.

Character(s) interacted with

Amal Tan - A wealthy merchant from Amn   Capt Vimes - Neverwinter city watch Captain   Master Chamberlin - Nobleman in the Tower district of Neverwinter   Rudy Robins - A leader figure amongst the slum district of Neverwinter
Restoration of Phandalin
Report Date
30 Dec 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location
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