A0b - Light & the Dark

General Summary

ACT 0B - Light & the Dark

1496.SP.19   Maple following her heart and love of the wilderness embarks on a journey to Illighon and Islands dedicated to the Emerald Enclave. Here she hoped to find further information and guidance from the inner circle. Fortunately, Captain Albert Boatman agreed to take her by airship part of the way which serious reduced the number of weeks travelling to the distant land. Docking at the ports in Alaghon, Albert bid his farewell heading off to carry out business of his own. Finding herself in unfamiliar city Maple found herself amazed by the green nature of the city, where grand trees grew freely unmolested inside the city walls. Game and animal wandered freely about the streets, where giant flowering bushes dotted the streets.   Finding a fisherman willing to travel across the sea of Fallen Stars to the small, secluded island of Illighon. On this beautiful lush island Maple wandered before she found a small hut at the heart of island. The hut was made from the moss, trees and stones of the area. A small garden just to the left housed huge brightly coloured flowers of yellow and blue. A short distance a perfectly calm pool of water apart from the small trickle of a waterfall at the far end. Here she met an elf and gnome who also wore emerald clothing. They excitedly welcomed her and explained that she had only just begun her journey.   To progress in the circles of the Emerald Enclave she needed to travel to the Feywild and meet with the council to seek their approval. Not one to be deterred Maple agreed and followed the duo to a small clearing where a circle of healthy trees looked upon a might oak tree. As the ritual began the elf and gnome chanted ancient words, picking up the rhythm Maple begun to utter her own words. Slowly roots from the ground begun to make a cocoon around her until all the light we obscured. Eventually the noise of the chanting died away and the roots begun to part revealing that she was no longer in the Prime Material.   The once green trees of the circle were now replaced with vibrant oranges, red and pinks. The barks of the trees replaced with silvery white smooth bark skin. The grass much thicker and taller blows in synchronicity with the wind. Large luminous mushrooms and fungi dotted about the clearing have unusual bird like creatures flittering backwards and forwards. Looking up the blue skies of Illighon are gone and the golden rich light lines the multi coloured clouds above.   Heading down to where the small cottage had been Maple finds that it has been replaced with a similar building in size, but the materials changed. Huge mushroom stalks tower of the structure offer protection from the rain, Vines and moss grow widely over almost every surface of the exterior. The small garden now overgrow spread across much of the clearing; and up to the once still pool of water. Now a large waterfall jets water across into the middle of the pond. Emerging from the cottage a large greyish humanoid approaches, his back covered in moss. Behind him a tiny fairy flutters her wings and darts in and out of his legs. The pair explain that Maple has now arrived in the Feywild, that they are the gate keepers for the Emerald Enclave, guiding those that arrive for their tests. They explain that the sun does not set in the Feywild and time is almost impossible to judge. In addition time moves at a different pace to that of the material plane, when she returns, hours may have passed, weeks, months or even years. They point Maple in the direction of the sea of fallen stars and explain the council is where she would expect to find Alaghon. As a final warning they warn her that the creatures and denizens of the fey wild can be tricky to deal with and not to trust them at face value.   When reaching the sea of fallen stars the perfect blue and green water laps at the beach. Looking across she can she that the city of Alaghon looks like a giant ruin which has been reclaimed by nature. Tress and plants cover almost every surface of the ancient stone underneath. Searching for a way to cross the sea Maple find a giant moving island floating in the sea. Jumping on she finds the soft grass and tiny tree surface to be unstable. Investigating further she finds that the island is in fact a giant turtle swimming around the sea. It’s huge shell covered in grass and saplings is actually the turtles shell. As if sensing her need the turtle turns and heads for the giant ruined city and the Feywild council.   After a short smooth journey gliding across the water Maple sets foot in the ruined city. Expecting it to be abandoned she finds it teeming with life. People living amongst the ruins, stalls and markets set up. The scent of exotic foods wafting in the air. A large hare approaches Maple and shows her to his stall. On it he has a many strange things but a golden glowing acorn takes her eye and the hare only asks for a small exchange as trade. Asking for her dreams Maple believes she has found a bargain. Being an elf Maple knows that she spends most of her time meditating and not sleeping. In fact she struggles to remember any memorable dream in her entire life. Agreeing a bargain is struck. The hare explains that the acorn will let her travel to where every she wants to go, all she needs do is crush it under foot.   After wandering the flowered and green markets and stalls a large hedgehog walking on its hind legs approaches her and points up to the top of a giant tree and tells her that the council is waiting. Heading up the ornate wooden staircase Maple finds herself in a meeting room with a dozen person around an oval table. They appear to already be discussing her and her right to be in the Emerald Enclave. After a stern debate a tall slim male elf of golden skin touches Maple aside the head and reads her thoughts. After a short while he releases her and exclaims she must complete the trial. Without another word the elf returns to its seat and the council begin discussing other matters. The hedgehog from earlier tugs on her leg and points her down the tree. On the route down he explains that she is to return to Moss man and the fairy for the final stages of the trial.   After a short uneventful journey back to the tiny cottage, the pair await her with happiness and already know that she will undergo the “Tranformation”. Taking maple back to the circle of trees they begin chanting in a similar way to previously, however this time Maple see’s a small jackalope beckoning her to follow. It slowly hopes into the den under the giant tree in the middle. Feeling an uncontrollable urge to follow maples climbs inside the den. Following the Jackalope it moves further and further in. Slowly the tunnel becomes smaller and smaller until she is only able to move forward by shuffling her body like a worm. Eventually Maple corners the Jackalope, but it doesn’t appear scared, it approaches her now constricted and confined body. Rubbing it head against hers, feeling a deep connection slowly the Jacklope begins to fade into a ghostly blue form and merge it’s self with Maple. Feeling changed Maple slowly wriggles out of the tunnel until she is able to turn around. As she begin to exit the warren she feels something pulling her back, immense friction and rubbing against the tunnel, but at this point it is big enough for her to crawl on her hands and knees. Pushing hard to exit suddenly she is reborn as she exits the warren bursting forth, soil spraying into the air. From her head two great royal antlers sprout. The fairy flies around them and looks pleased. She explains to Maple that the Jacklope was her spirit animal, that it had become one with her and she had changed her.   During the deep explanation of the transformation, the different circles of the Emerald Enclave a tree suddenly rots and crashes to the ground. A dark fungus spreads from the fallen tree into the open and heads towards the other trees. Moss man explains that the different planes of existence are all linked. Showing Maple to the pool of water by the cottage Moss man submerges Maples into the water, however when she emerges from the water she is no longer in the Feywild and Moss man is no longer there.   Surrounded now by dark monotone scenery, dead trees and dry coarse dirt. Heading back to the circle of trees Maple finds zombie like creatures blinkered carrying out mundane tasks. The mindless zombie like creatures are chopping down the trees or moving large boulders around in an unending pattern. Quickly dispatching the zombies as the put up no fight. Maple now turns to the City of Alaghon or where the Feywild Council had been. The once beautiful sea between the island and the main land was no longer there, this meant that Maple was able to walk along the dry sea bed.   Reaching the ruinous city, the shape of the half built buildings and ruined walls, barely visible in the dim light. Amongst the buildings hundreds of the zombie like creatures carried out more tasks, most of them stuck in a loop, failing to achieve any real progress. Maple realised that this would probably translate as slow wear and tear or weathering in the Prime Material. Moving further in a dark cloud moving between the building caught her attention. Watching closely the cloud moved to a zombie and a small light emitted from the pair. When the shadow moved on to another zombie it was possible to see a small skull branded on the forehead on the first. It's repetitive pattern now changed it began to dismantle a ruin completely.   As Maple sees an opportunity to strike at the shadow with her bow a female elf dressed in fine blue quilted armour appears, firing the first shot at the shadow. Moving out to join her Maple fires her shot. In synchronicity a number of zombies all turn to face the pair and reveal their skull brands. Rapidly firing and retreating the pair fell many of the zombie creatures. The elf explains that she is a Horizon Walker and she travels through the planes ensuring that threats and wild magic doesn't interfere or cause damage. Slowly the the pair become encircled by the zombies but concentrating on the shadow figure they ae abel to bring it down. Drawing their swords they try to cut back the zombies, the Horzion Walker tells Maple to use the golden acorn, repeating the "Shadow is dead stamp on it stamp on it". As Maple does so a huge golden light shines obscuring her vision. When her vision returns she is no longer in the Shadowfell and the dark blacks and greys are replaced with the Prime Material. Looking around Maple sees the familiar sight of Alaghon, looking for signs of damage appearing, Maple is satisfied after some time that the zombies are now trapped in the Shadowfell.   Hiring a horse Maple spends the next few weeks travelling back to the Sword Coast, where she updates Reidoth. He theorises that Uluran Mortis is trying to rally more undead to his force, but concerning is the distance is which his power reaches.
Big Trouble in Little Leilon
Report Date
01 Aug 2023
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