A1 - You Dirty Rat

General Summary

ACT 1 - You dirty rat!

1496.SU.63   After the bitter cold of the Icewind Dales, the warm breeze of the sword coast was a welcome feeling for the duo. With a few miles inbetween them and the icewind dales, the first major city they came across was Neverwinter. Normally a splendid city full of craftsmen and goods for sale, however to the pairs disappointment this was not the case. Draco and Doug quickly realise that although they have escaped the harsh fridged wastes of Icewind Dale, they are in no better position. The city of Neverwinter is currently struggling to feed its citizens and there isn't enough work to go round. A serious lack of merchant shipments of recent have meant that many of the stall and shops have little wares to sell. The situation is so dire that the city watch can't be paid and have been stood down. Even the Thieves Guild have temporarily moved out of the city for richer pickings.   Whilst looking for food, easy targets for pick pocketing or worse yet actual work, the pair came across a dwarf called Don-Jon Raskin. A fat dwarf had just been tasked by the merchant’s guild to investigate why the gold toe mine had stopped sending shipments of ore and minerals. Don-Jon Raskin was then to take over as the overseer of the mine. With a hefty offer to provide protection the duo jumped at the chance, although it wasn't their usual line of work.   Setting off at dawn, Don-Jon was quick to make conversation. He told the duo about the mountain’s history and the ongoing issues in the area with the undead. He in turn learnt that the pair had escaped from Revels End Prison, although they had been falsely imprisoned for a murder they did not commit. Slightly wary and now on route, he took the pair at their word as by night fall, they would be at the mine.   Not long before sun set out of a rustling bush stumbled an injured dwarf. He had been beaten badly and showed signs of significant internal bleeding. Before succumbing to his wounds, he managed to draw a rudimentary map utter the words "secret door" and "the rats!" Unphased and determined the group continued to mine.   By night fall the group had found the entrance and Doug crept inside and surprised to rats with a quick shot from his bow. In the meantime, Drago exploring outside the cave found another cave entrance 20 ft above in the mountain side. With previous robberies experience in mind, using a crowbar and his rope he managed to throw the makeshift grappling hook up caught on a hold. Easily climbing up he then realised that Doug and Don-Jon were struggling at the bottom. With his mighty strength he pulled the pair up one at a time.   Once inside the pair followed by the plump and scared dwarf Don-Jon, slowly moved from room to room searching and clearing it of rats. The further in they went the larger the rats became until they were fighting dog sized muscular rats.   After heading towards an unusual sound deep in the mine, the pair found the previous dwarfs sleeping quarters, full of tiny cots. In the far corner in a cot a shape stirred; and out stepped a dwarf sized rat on its hind legs holding a short sword. Drago swung his heft great axe slicing the rat thing down its shoulder, but the wound began to knit back together. Realising that mundane weapons weren't hurting the creature well he switched to a silver dagger he had found on the now dead dwarf miner.   Meanwhile Doug was being mauled by the other regular sized rats, kicking and slicing at them with his sword. Draco now trying his silver dagger he managed to inflict a lasting wound on the now identified wererat. Just as Doug looked like he would fall prey to the rats the banging commotion from the nearby door sprung open and the last remaining dwarf miner ran towards the rats, enabling time for Doug to strike killing blows.   Draco after being badly mauled by the wererat struck a fatal blow in its back and the creature fell to the floor. Gradually it transformed back into a dwarf form and was clearly one of the previous miners. Searching through his belongings the duo found paper from a notice board requesting help to find a missing son.   Don-Jon now no longer cowering in the caves came forth and congratulated the duo for saving the mine. He supplied them with the promised payment and let the pair stay at the mine to rest and recuperate. The following day the pair set off back to Neverwinter.

Missions/Quests Completed

Escort Don-Jon Raskin to the Gold toe mine. Investigate the lack of shipments to Neverwinter and cleaar the mine of the rat infestation.

Character(s) interacted with

Don-Jon Raskin - Former miner, employed by the merhchant guild to investigate the mine and take over as overseer.
The Big Clear out
Report Date
29 Jul 2023
Primary Location
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