A5 - Hidden Gold

General Summary

A5 - Hidden Gold

1496.AU.1   With the young boy Everett returned to his mother, the pair begun to look towards their next opportunity. Remembering the old notice they found at gold toe mine about the ranksacked shrine, they begun to look for the quest.   Searching the local quest boards and adventurers guild they are unable to find any information about the shrine. Spending more time asking around local taverns and inns and passing adventurers they begin to hear legend that hundreds of years ago the shrine foresaw an Orc warparty cross the land. Warning villagers they seeked refuge inside the shrine. To protect their gold they melted it down and hid it in plain sight. Unfortuantly the shrine, preists and villagers were all slaughted and the gold, legend has it was never found.   Heading out the pair manage to make their way to the area before nightfall, but with the light fading they decide to sleep in their tent and continue in the morning. Much later they are awoken by a thunderstorm which is battering the tent with rain and wind. With the occasional flash of thunder Jhon sees a silhouette moving outside. Deciding to investigate both Draco and John leave their tent with torches lite. In the howling gail and heavy rain Draco sees the unmistakeable shape of a wyrmling, a baby white dragon. Knowing that they can be brutish and confrontational, Jhon throws a chicken he had been planning on eating as a distraction as they sprint in the other direction.   With the distraction working the pair hide in the woods for a few hours hoping the wyrmling would move on. When venturing out they find that their tent has been savaged and all of Johns food had been eaten. Thanking their blessings and packing up they continued their search now it was becoming light.   The storm had blown a lot of debris around which had covered up any trail but after some careful searching they eventually stumble across the ruin of the shrine. It's large stone walls now covered in vines and moss, the once sturdy thick oak doors rotten. Moving into the walled shrine the are able to see in the tall grass rats moving around. After their confrontation at Gold toe mine, the pair take no chances and begin to pick them off with crossbows and magical spells. The smaller rats are no challenge but from the ruined towers emerges giant rats who charge the adventurers.   Inside the shrine the pair find more giant rats which they are able to dispatch. However hidden away in the back of shrine near the alter, two wererats emerge, one frothing at the mouth carrying a large greataxe instantly charges toward Jhon swinging widely. The other engages Draco slashing at his chainmail with a shortsword. Draco who is heavily armoured manages to hold off the attacks and whittle down the beast. However Jhon who is lightly armoured in comparison falls to the beserk rage of the rat. Just as Jhon's vision begins to fade as he lays on the floor bleeding Draco races across to dispatch the remaining wererat.   Stabalising his new friend Draco help Jhon back to his feed as he downs a health potion. Realising that the dull clunk of the bell above sounds wrong Draco begins to work on pulling down the bell. Jhon in the mean time inspects the ancient alter and finds that a secret compartment has a hidden magical quarterstaff. Suddenly with a sickening crash the large bells smacks of the floor. Now obviously gold they decide to cover the bell and carry it back to Neverwinter to be melted down.

Rewards Granted

2500 Gold coins Studded Leather Armour Berserker Greataxe Quarter staff of warning

Missions/Quests Completed

Find and search the runins of the Shrine of Savras
The Big Clear out
Report Date
10 Aug 2023
Primary Location
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