Adventurers Guild

The Adventurers guild is a loose organisation of adventurers who offer their services to those willing to pay. The guild has a high turn over of members mostly due to the dangerous nature of the work carried out.   Larger cities often have a hall of heroes or similar building where the services of an adventurer can be brought. Small town and villages sometime have noticed boards where would be adventurers will visit. However word of mouth is just as good.   Organisations like the Lords' Alliance often work closely with the guild to hire extra hands and adventurers.


A hall of heroes is often run by long retired adventurers who are no longer physically able of willing to complete quests. These senior adventurers offer advise to would be heroes and ensure that any deals and contracts are legitimate and completed.   The senior adventurer is often well respected and liked by all members due to their previous experience, the help they offer and ensure that contracts are adhered too.