Grimnir Darkbane (Grim-near Dark-bane)

A middle aged muscular Dwarf of considerable skill with a pair of axes or a pickaxe. A long orange beard and shaved head, normally found with a tankard in his hand. Formerly a miner, however after becoming seperated from his clan and with no hope to find them he turned to mercanry work.   He joined with Razielle and Mordai helping them in Neverwinter and later Phandalin. However after being framed for the murder of Harbin Wester by Nezznar, he was bannished from the village. He returned to Neverwinter where Sildar Hallwinter requested his aid in missing shipments and gold. Grimnir uncovering a Zhentarim plot was drugged and killed by Gromm, a huge goliath with a winged snake tattoo upon his face.
Date of Death