Lords' Alliance

The Lords' Alliance, also known as the Council of Lords. Its members are from the Sword Coast, the North and Western Heartlands, including Waterdeep, Silverymoon, Baldur's Gate, and Neverwinter, as well as other free cities and towns in the region, which make up the bulk of the organization. It was formed to oppose the growing influence of the Black Network in the North, the Shadow Thieves of Amn, rampaging hordes of orcs, and Northlander raiders.   Depending on who is asked, the Lords' Alliance is considered either a strong coalition, or unsteady pact of political powers. While the Alliance is said by some to be a collective of aggressive and self-serving figureheads, others insist they are among the most secure governing bodies in the west. The truth, as it usually is, lay somewhere between the two extremes. While the members often hold opposing views and hold interests that conflicted with their peers, these rivalries are set aside when true danger emerged to threaten their collective safety and prosperity. The true strength of the alliance, it is said, manifest when its members band together on collaborative endeavors.   The alliance usually hires adventurers to work for them for tasks ranging from gathering simple information, or even for use in raids against Zhentarim strongholds and outposts. Local adventurers can quickly gain status, as well as powerful friends by helping the alliance, but can just as easily make enemies of the sinister Zhentarim as a result.


The Lord Alliance has no formal leader but often the larger cities have power to pull or make suggestions to members of the organisation. The larger the city and it's influence the more power it can exert on the organisation.   These are the member states and their leaders.   Amphail: Lord Dauner Ilzimmer Baldur's Gate: Grand Duke of Baldur's Gate and Marshal of the Flaming Fists Ulder Ravengard Daggerford: Duchess Morwen Daggerford Longsaddle: Dowell Harpell Mithral Hall: Queen Dagnabbet Waybeard Mirabar: Marchion Selin Ramur Neverwinter: Lord Dagult Neverember Silverymoon: High Mage Taern Hornblade Waterdeep: Open Lord Laeral Silverhand Yartar: Waterbaron Nestra Ruthiol   As Waterdeep is the most powerful and influencial city in the organisation Lord Laeral Silverhand is considered the de facto leader.
Notable Members