Oghma (Og-ma)

Oghma, also known as The Lord of Knowledge, is the FaerĂșnian neutral greater deity of bards, inspiration, invention, and knowledge. Oghma is the leader of the Deities of Knowledge and Invention and his home plane is the House of Knowledge. His symbol is a blank scroll.   Oghma is known to appear as a handsome, dark-skinned man in bright, resplendent, and stylish clothes. Typically his outfit includes a tabard with projecting, ornamented shoulder plates, a cummerbund with an exquisitely beautiful scene painted on its medallion-shaped buckle, and open meshwork, point-toed boots with crystal teardrops dangling from the end of uppers, almost enough to touch the upraised toes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbol is a blank scroll
Divine Classification