Performers Guild

The Performers guild comprises of bards, actors, musicians, craftsmen, artists, singers, and other performers. Unlike other guilds the performers guild was very exclusive and was only located in the largest cities in Faerun.   The guild selects members on their ability to perform and entertain. Only the most spectacular become full members. These members then have the ability to travel across Faerun entertaining the elite and nobility. When events are being organised or planned the guild is consulted and a performer is put forward.   In addition the guild offers other services such as schooling in the various arts and crafting of musical instruments. Through out the spring and summer seasons the guild create numerous travelling fesitvals which journey to all parts of Faerun raising awareness and peaking interest. In the winter season the guilds hold plays and concerts in their theatres within the cities.


A council of members presides over the guild. Each member is responsible for one arm of the guild, for example singers. Each year the members vote on who they beleive to be the most influencial performer in that area. Successful members are then given a seat on the council.   This means that the council are active performers and strive to out do one another to ensure their place on the council. This has pushed the boundaries of entertainment and ensures that performances do not stagnate.   The council can be spread over Faerun meaning that they all rarely meet, however business is conducted by magical means, passing messages to one another.