Scholars Guild

Guilds whose members were primarily engaged in scholarly pursuits were known as scholastic guilds. Membership is usually composed of sages and mages. Many guilds had libraries and extremely large guilds founded colleges.   Over the year the members of Scholars guild have worked closely with the Arcane guild and visa versa. Both guilds have an interest in information and knowledge although the arcane guild is exclusively towards the mystic and magic.   The most learned of the Scholars guild tend to rise to poistions of power as advisors to nobility. Others open giant libraries such as the Hall of Knowledge at Neverwinter.   Many Scholars carry out the pilgrimige to Candle Keep, the largest collection of Knowledge in all of Faerun.


There is very little structure to most of the scholars guild and any hierarchy is provided by level of knowledge. The more an individual knows about a subject the more respected they are. In turn they are then sought out by adepts and initiates for their knowledge, thus creating the structure of hierarchy.   Most members of the guild choose to invest their time and study into only a few select areas, such as a period of time, a city or a species.


The truely devout amongst the scholars are normally followers of Oghma, Deneir and Milil.   Inspiration, invention, art, cartography, glyphs, images, knowledge, literature, poetry, eloquence, creativity.