Talos (Tal-os)

Talos is the Faerûnian greater deity of storms and destruction. The Storm Lord is the destructive force of nature and leader of the Gods of Fury whose self-serving dogma demanded utter obedience from his priests, instructing them to spread destruction where they might.   Talos appears as a broad-shouldered, bearded man with one good eye. He wears half-plate armor over black leather and black leather gloves. His empty eye socket is filled with whirling stars and covered with a dark eye patch.   Talos is violent, angry, short-tempered, impulsive, and frequently motivated by his fury. He can be roused to raging destruction by the smallest offences and hold onto a grudge for centuries after the slight. His actions often seem petty and vengeful, and indeed they are. He revels in chaos and exulted in unrestrained devastation, causing ruin for the pure joy of it.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The holy symbol of Talos is three lightening bolts radiating from a point.