Zhentarim (Zen-tar-im)

The Zhentarim, previously known as the Black Network, is a mercenary company, and greater mercantile organization in Faerûn, who, over their 200 years of existence, have had a storied history as a cadre of self-serving thieves, spies, assassins and malevolent wizards, who for a time, were indentured by their leaders to serve dark gods Bane and Cyric.   As an extension of the will of the dark wizard Manshoon, the Zhentarim was initially formed as a mercenary company to support his rule over the Moonsea with the aim of spreading that control over all of Faerûn. After he recruited the faithful of Bane, unscrupulous merchants and lesser mages to his cause,they collectively sought to dominate all aspects of the Realms, either by manipulation, outright control or, if they couldn't exert control over something, extinction.   Currently the goals of the Zhentarim come in line with their original ideals, despite their more benign public perception. By offering the best guards and mercenaries, with the final aim of an iron-fisted monopoly on protection services in the Realms, they seek to make the merchants of Faerûn, and thus the continental economy, completely reliant upon them as an organization. While many of their practices and services they offer are completely legal, they are not above spending a tremendous amount of gold to destroy their competitors and secure future profits to increase their wealth, influence and power.