Dougan's Hole

Dougan’s Hole was the smallest and most insular of the ten towns. Its residents weren’t fond of visitors, and inbreeding caused the population to dwindle in later years. It also gave rise to often-seen physical deformities, including but not limited to small, misshapen ears and slightly pointed teeth.   The town was a small cluster of dwellings perched on the edge of Redwaters that was too small to support any industry — not even scrimshaw. Visitors to Dougan’s Hole were often struck by the eeriness of dark, humanoid shapes out on the ice, remaining silent and still as the wind howled around them.   Dougan's Hole was completely destroyed by a dragon attack in 1489 DR. Its residents have dispersed across Ten-Towns.

9 Alturiak, 1489 DR

Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

Cover image: The destruction of Dougan's Hole by Midjourney AI