Deities of Faerûn: An Overview in Faerûn | World Anvil
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Deities of Faerûn: An Overview

  Faerûn is a land of magic, mystery, and divine influence. The deities that watch over this vast continent are as varied as the myriad races that populate it. From the mighty and benevolent to the capricious and malevolent, these gods play an integral role in shaping the destinies of mortals.
  Pantheons and Alignment:
  The gods of Faerûn belong to different pantheons, each reflecting the values, cultures, and histories of their worshippers. Alignment, a concept that describes a deity's moral and ethical stance, plays a vital role in distinguishing the gods' personalities and domains. From Lawful Good to Chaotic Evil, the range of alignments illustrates the complex tapestry of divine powers in Faerûn.
  Major Deities:
  Mystra: Goddess of Magic, she presides over the Weave, the source of all magic in the world.
  Tyr: The god of Law and Justice, he is often depicted holding scales and a warhammer, representing the balance of justice.
  Bane: God of Tyranny and Fear, he is the antithesis of freedom and seeks domination at all costs.
  Chauntea: The Earthmother, goddess of agriculture and the harvest, nurturing all life in its cycle.
  Shar: The mistress of the night and loss, she stands opposite to Selûne, representing darkness and void.
  Racial Deities:
  Corellon Larethian: Chief deity of the elven pantheon, representing arts, magic, and warfare.
  Moradin: Creator of the dwarves and god of creation, craftsmanship, and family.
  Gruumsh: The one-eyed god, he is the chief deity of the orcs, symbolizing conquest and survival.
  Lesser-Known Entities:
  Faerûn also hosts a myriad of demigods, ascended mortals, and entities worshipped in specific regions or by particular cults. Their influence might not span the entire continent, but in certain locales, they could be as revered as any major deity.
  Worship and Clergy:
  Temples, shrines, and groves dot the landscape of Faerûn, each a testament to the power and influence of the divine. Clerics, paladins, and devout worshippers seek to enact their god's will in the mortal realm, whether it be through acts of kindness, the pursuit of knowledge, or the waging of wars.
  The deities of Faerûn are deeply woven into its history, culture, and daily life. To understand this land and its people, one must also understand the gods they venerate, fear, and sometimes defy. Their tales are not just stories, but living histories that shape the very fabric of the realm.

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