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A Friend in Need

With morning rising on Kythyss, the Brownbottle crew slowly made their way to the common room of the Wereboar Tavern and Inn. Lars, after an eventful evening of drinking with the General Bullbelly and matching him drink for drink happily met with Bullbelly's gnome servant, Jordri Roddleneddle to present another mineral sample for their testing. With samples out to both Bullbelly's men and the Marchioness's Lars felt comfortable in the ability to present good sales for Copperlocks and the mine even before setting sail to Snowdown.   Seigmeyer, impatiently waiting for Eleanora to visit the local Lathander temple for morning prayers demands of her whereabouts. Clarinda identifies she never came in the night before.   Immediately the group tried to retrace Eleanora's step from the night before. However it was quickly realized, when a rogue does not want to be found, or seen, they are not. None recall seeing Eleanora even at the feast from the night before after entering the doors. Farstrider, hoping the local wildlife had seen something utilizes his druid abilities to speak with the animals around the hall. After some questioning, they find a local stray dog that identifies Eleana's scent leading through town. Farstrider, using this knowledge begins to follow the scent but it is soon lost in the crowded city streets.   After some reasoning and thinking about the scenario, and based upon Eleana's previous discussion they believe she may have exited through the city gate. Lars decides to ask the local guard at the gate if they witnessed anybody going in or out of the city last night. Upon first discussion, Lars finds a guard change has occurred. The group is then led back to the guard house in hopes the last change is still awake. After some brief discussions, and possible bribing, the group meets the 2 guards on shift the night before.   Unfortunately, the guards do not recall the lady Eleanora leaving through the gates the night before. To the group's dismay the local guards do not keep tabs of individuals leaving the city after hours, usually only entering. A disappointing dead end in their search. Farstrider, not discouraged, returned to the East gate and used his feature to shift to a mastiff to try to pick up Eleanora's scent. Fortunately, he was able to pick up the scent and began to follow it down the road. Suddenly he found it to be stronger in a location for a section, before splitting in directions. After changing back to his normal form, they investigated the two paths and the stronger scents. The found where the scent became stronger they found a group of footprints of other individuals, where the scents split, a stronger scent goes up to the old ruins, while the fresher weaker scent leaves down the east road with the footprints witnessed earlier. As the group investigated the footprints, they do not appear to be in any scuffles, and the footprints are grouped easily. The group begins to follow the scents and footprints, before they make a turn off to a well traveled game trail south. The trail is followed and eventually comes to a clearing of a small empty bay east of town, used by smugglers and fishermen, with footprints leading to an imprint of where a boat may have been previously tied. The group begins to realize Eleanora may no longer be in the city, or possibly even on the continent.   Knowing Eleanora whas not in town, the group tried to think of other means of finding Eleanora. After some consideration on the walk back, they wonder if the local Divination wizard would have access to the much more powerful spell scrying. They also notify their captain, Zariel to be ready to sail mid afternoon. While not a standard spell the Lady Elluxea Oviar would have requested due to the expensive requirements, it was within her specialty. The spell required a font of holy water, and a significant amount of gold. Lady Elluxea Oviar had a font, but no holy water, Seigmeyer, believing to be helpful relieved himself in the font and then blessed it to fulfill the requirement while the remainder of the party parted with a significant amount of gold for the Lady to continue. True to her word, the Lady Elluxea Oviar prepares the font and spell and with some items from Eleanora's possesions left in the room, the spell is cast. Lady Elluxea Oviar invites 2 members of the group to the back room to see the spell and follow the cast. Seigmeyer, as he supplied a significant amount of gold and the holy water decides to attend, Clorinda also attends to take notes of the location. As the spell takes focus, the group sees Eleanora standing on the bow of a ship, a Ruathyn Corsair with Lanteen sails, with a tall pale skinned nobleman. As the view come closer into focus, the voices of the 2 come through the spell, and they can overhear the nobleman speaking to Eleana. 'We need the sceptre from the hoard here. It is a Mahogany shaft with jeweled inlays, a golden point with ivory handle. The runes make the symbol of the Order Of Ruathyn Dragon Knights. This is the item we need to reclaim. Then we can find the crown after. There will be traps, move with extreme caution as he protects his hoard, but we know he is not home currently.' Looking around the area, Seigmeyer and Clorinda take note of the sun setting and the shadows along the ship. After taking note, they deduce the ship to be traveling south along a western coast. With this knowledge, they set off to find Zariel and prepare to take chase.   The news to Zariel, however is not of good tidings. Upon describing the coast and location, Zariel identifies the coast north of Feargal Bay, and refuses to sail to the coast. Lars and Siegmeyer claim it to be a mutiny, but the others realize she is protecting the ship and crew from a terror of the area. After several attempts at bribing Zariel, and other crewman, Zarial agrees to set their sails to Great Head Silvertower Isle in the strait, where they may find a smaller boat to sail to their deaths.  
I can sail you to Great Head Silvertower, where you may speak with the locals and take a smaller craft to your death. - Sabrina Zarial
Zarial, true to her word sails the Sea Ghost to the Great Head Silvertower. As they approach the isle, bells can he heard ringing from the island. Suddenly the bells stop, almost with a crash. Cautiously, Zarial brings the ship towards the port. Some calamity claimed this waterfront—a storm, perhaps—although it’s hard to imagine the waves that could toss ships ashore onto streets and rip the planks from piers. Whatever it was, the disaster seems to have caused people to abandon the place. The only inhabitants seen are some seabirds startled by the presence. After watching and beginning to tie up the ship, suddenly screaming can be heard from within the old town. Bloody creatures begin to be seen coming from the square, some people running towards the dock are pursued by a long legged and boney type of fiend. The fiend quickly chases down 3 townsfol, striking them down. As it moves away the villagers rise up bloated and begining to transform to a bloody pulp.   Clorinda, seeing the creatures moving about cast a quick spell as the furthest bloody gollumn creature she shes while Lars begins to attack the quick bloody snatcher creature. Farstride begins to strike as well with everything he has. Soon they are battleing creatures not knowing if they are fiends, undead, or wild fey. After striking down the immediate threat, they take look around and see additional blood golems performing a ritual around a collapsed tower. To their horror, in a cloud of smoke and bloodspray, a large demon with massive sword rises from center with a primordal scream.  
We need the sceptre from the hoard here. It is a Mahogany shaft with jeweled inlays, a golden point with ivory handle. The runes make the symbol of the Order Of Ruathyn Dragon Knights. This is the item we need to reclaim. Then we can find the crown after. - Unknown Nobleman while scrying


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Mar 16, 2023 13:53

That's a big sword...