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Gellen Primewater

Gellan, is a well-spoken, dapper older gentleman with a neatly trimmed beard and a fancy wardrobe. With his cunning instincts, he has positioned his family to become the most prominent merchants in town. Because Gellan is the wealthiest man in Saltmarsh, he garners a great deal of popular support from the many feasts, entertainments, and other diversions he supports with expenditures and donations. It was surmised that Gellan likely has something to do with the Sea Ghost Smugglers, as the casks of brandy throughout the Haunted House have the brand "GP" upon them. After presenting the evidence gathered to date, Eliander Fireborn was interested, but not ready to act on the evidence and suspicion. Elaina discovered that Gellan Primewater made some kind of deal to remove the group from pestering his operations with the Sea Ghost Smugglers further. Copperlocks has presented interest in investigating Gellen's operation more and has taken to review of the multiple ledgers recovered from the Primewater Mansion secret basement.

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