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Lady Carmilla bas Fuil bas Fuil (a.k.a. Mother, The Lady)

Carmilla bas Fuil, commonly known and referred to as Mother is the local steward of the Saltmarsh orphanage Mercy's House. She can be found daily at the orphanage attending the children running around. She has run the orphanage for years, and is well known and respected throughout the community. Many individuals through the community that grew up as orphans or with lost parents from sailing accidents were raised by her, hence giving her the name Mother. She is very protective of the children of Saltmarsh.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Carmilla stands as a tall female, pale skin and dark hair. She typically wears a simple dress while around the children in the orphanage, but can be seen in a low back sweeping dress while out and about the town or at special events.

Mental characteristics


Well educated throughout the isles. Carmilla is well read and has a large library within her orphanage. She sometimes will ask for new books or at times specific books from other regions.


Carmilla operates the local orphanage.

Intellectual Characteristics

Carmilla is extremely open and caring to visitors, and always seeking additional donations for the orphanage. She is also interested in assisting her care with their education and loves to discuss happenings of neighboring islands and lands. She speaks as of one highly educated and of noble birth, and carries herself with a pride in herself.    She is opening with

Morality & Philosophy

She has an affinity for children and their well-being in the area. She has not been involved historically in any of the business or political decisions in Saltmarsh despite being well respected among the locals.


Religious Views

Carmilla speaks of finding one's love and makes references to praise 'The Lady'

Wealth & Financial state

As the leader of the orphanage, Carmilla is always seeking assistance with financials for the children.
Current Residence
Mercy's Home
Dark, piercing eyes
Dark raven black hair,
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin, almost translucent from many days inside
Commonly heard referencing 'The Lady'
Known Languages
Common, Undercommon, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, and Sylvan. She has eluded to others


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