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Myth of the Wereboar

The Wereboar, as told by the bartender; received it's name after the local legend of an aggressive, large wereboar that terrorized Kythiss some 300 years ago. And the possible age of the current inn. A wereboar would terrorize the countryside around Kythiss in the late 900s, spreading his terror in the area killing and destroying farmsteads on the edge of the town. Lord Brockhause, a local knight and hunter, tracked the Wereboar down and slayed the beast with a silver arrow, blessed by the goddess Chauntea herself so his strike was true.    Lord Brockhause had the wereboar's head stuffed and mounted above his mantle, and people would travel to see the beast, where the Lord would entertain them with his tales and lent a bed for the travelers. His wife, the Lady Brockhause, and the more entrepreneurial of the two began opening their house as a bed and breakfast of sorts before finally becoming a full Inn and tavern in the years to follow, eventually selling the Inn after the Lord passed and retiring to an estate outside the city with her amassed fortune.    An ancient stuffed boar, claimed to be the original Wereboar head still sits above the mantle in the Wereboar, continuing the legend.

Historical Basis

The Ship and Portmaster have referenced to ancient shipping logs which have indicated 'To the Werebears' reported in royal shipments. However many older shipping logs have been achieved and difficult to retrieve so very few available records exist.

Variations & Mutation

The Shipmaster of Kythiss, while familiar with the original legend as told by the current bartender believes the name is derived from a phonic spelling of the term Werebear, and not Wereboar, which in the older languages sounded similar. The theory being the current location being the original barrack of the original Machioness's royal guards, who were rumored to all be werebears in her service to protect the land. While referencing the building, one was told of them being where the werebears were stationed, at the time known as the Royal Barracks.   Upon the ending of the Marchioness's reign in 735, and following the new centralized reign from a governor appointed of the King of Callidyrr, the Royal Guard was disbanded and eventually the barracks was abandoned, eventually being repaired to an estate of a local Lord, and then to the Inn and Public house it currently is with it's last major renovation occurring around the mid 900s.

Cultural Reception

The tale of the Lord Brockhause is generally regarded as the more popular legend behind the naming and history, as it is locally told in the Inn itself. The thought of an ancient Royal Guard of Werebears is often thought of as either crazy, or of a time Were-creatures could be more different than the bloodthirsty werewolves and wererats known today.
Date of First Recording
625, 932
Date of Setting


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