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Sailing From Silvertower

General Summary

The group, rested from their battle with the young vampire below the Silvertower Temple found themselves refreshed the next day. The left the boat to explore the port in earnest, without the threat of blood demons and vampires, they casually strolled along the harbor, exploring the long ancient roads and old buildings. Though the day before found the harbor barren, even without the immediate threat the city appeared to be few and far between citizens. They eventually find themselves an open tavern, with only a dozen customers. Lars asks the innkeep about the boy, asking about his history, and then about the local temple. The innkeeper explains the temple to be an ancient temple of Fharlanghn, an old god of travel. However the temple is rarely occupied as a mostly forgotten god, with only the 2 priests and the boy typically occupying the space.   Next the group walks through the old city to where the temple now lays in ruins. The group slowly begins to investigate the bell, finding runes which look similarly in shape to the ones seen on the old bell in Kythyss, although slightly more refined. After sitting there studying the runes for a period of time, Clarinda begins to use a spell to decipher them, she realizes they are an ancient human language rune mixed with a more common dwarven rune.   The Runes when read together read:
Resonance, Discord, Clarity, Cataclysm, Magnification, Annihilations.
The group began to debate the significance of the runes, and who may be behind the events. Is a group trying to awaken vampires? Were they trying to create the demons and summon them with the destruction of the temple? Where the demons an after affect and protecting others from awakening the vampire below? It seemed t ohave more questions than answers. With this new found information the group decides they need to find the ship carrying the bells and either sink it, or get some answers before another temple is destroyed.   The group sails out of Silverhead. They sail for the northern Snowdown port Llandrain. They land and make quick assesment of the port. They swing into a couple of taverns, but do not hear of their ship they are trailing. With that they quickly pull anchor and make way for Westphal to the south, the last know direction the ship they are chasing, the Deptford Prize was headed for port.
Report Date
25 Jun 2023
Primary Location
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