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Westphal was a city and the seat of power on the island of Snowdown within the Moonshae Isles, as well as the seat of Amn's military occupation of Snowdown since its seizure in the early 1400s DR.


Westphal was more heavily defended than the Moonshae settlements of Caer Callidyrr or Moray. Amnian troops and a number of foreign mercenaries served as its city guard. On average, the Amnian forces tended to be fairer on the native Ffolk than the mercenaries, with many of the latter making it a point to ensure locals cross them so that they make cause mischeif or solicit a bribe. Though not all the mercenaries were like this. Whenever outsiders made trouble with the city guard, locals would lock up and bar their homes and businesses. And if such a troublemaker tried to force their way in, the occupant would fight them with whatever they had on hand.

Industry & Trade

Under Amnian occupation, Westphal and the rest of Snowdown only did business with that nation. Because of this, its harbor was typically full of ships flying the colors of Amn. Each day, a small squadron of these ships left Westphal for Athkatla, loaded with goods and resources

Guilds and Factions

Prior to Amnian occupation, the Church of Chauntea was the major faith of Caer Westphal. The Chauntean faith was gradually overtaken by others over the course of Amn's occupation and their temple fell into a dilapidated state. Of the faiths that had overtaken it, the biggest temples in the city belonged to the Church of Bane, Church of Gruumsh, Church of Tempus, and Church of Waukeen.[5] The Church of Cyric also had a presence on the island.[11] All of these temples were noted for being well-kept and clean

Points of interest

Westphal was more densly populated than other settlements in the Moonshaes, being more akin to cities like Baldur's Gate or Waterdeep. In terms of demographics, the number of inhabitants from foreign lands outnumbered the population of native Ffolk, as Snowdown experienced an influx of creatures seeking mercenary work. These natives were downtrotten under Amnian occupation, being compliant to the mercenary guard but harboring a hatred for them. Foreign creatures that took up residence in the city as mercenaries included drow, goblins, hobgoblins, orcs and half-orcs, some ogres, even some cambions, fire genasi, and other humanoids that one might consider evil. In addition to Amnian sailors, the harbor of Westphal was host to ships of some foreign power groups, such as pirate, the Church of Bane, or the Zhentarim


The style of buildings in Westphal varied overtime due to Snowdown's military occupation Amn. Prior to the occupation, buildings were entirely of the Ffolk style, being round towers and low houses. In the eighty years following Amnian occupation, structures were designed and errected in the Amnian style, being square and functional. The castle of Caer Westphal overlooked the city.
Characters in Location


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