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Secomber is a small, peaceful town that acted as the de facto border town between the relatively peaceful Western Heartlands and the more savage North along the Sword Coast. The town contains a number of colorful gardens and is known for its rich soil.


Mostly humans and halflings, with the occasional dwarf and elf mixed in


The town generally has one Lord who is in charge of the town guard and militia, but holds no real law or decision-making power.
The town's laws and courts are controlled by the Rods of Justice, a group of 6 to 9 respected elders who are elected every four years. They are expected to remain impartial at all times, but can excuse themselves temporarily if they believe they cannot be.


A small garrison of about 30, provided by the Lords' Alliance, guards the town, and the local militia boasts over 100 members.

Industry & Trade

Secomber was a stop on the Delimbiyr Route, part of the trail between Waterdeep and Llorkh. Another trail, the Secomber Trail, connected Secomber to Uluvin to the north-west.
Farming, fishing, and stone-cutting were the primary occupations, but it also had a number of folk familiar with the High Forest. Some locals hire themselves out as guides or guards for the passing caravans.
The town welcomed and catered to travelers and caravans, especially adventurers who based themselves out of the town as they explored the High Moor and the High Forest.


Secomber was built on the western ruins of Hastarl, capital of the ancient wizard kingdom of Athalantar. By 1479 DR, Secomber had become a place under constant threat of hobgoblin raids. The citizens had erected a wall, which was their only defense against the raids, but it did them little good. Many adventuring bands were lost trying to free the town from the grip of fear and Secomber had resorted to leaving tributes outside Mishka's Warren, the lair of the Urshani clan, which did appease the hobgoblins but did not free Secomber from the occasional raid. Twenty years later, the regular stream of tributes to the hobgoblins has left Secomber poverty-stricken.
About 1,400


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