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The Temple of the Half-Tusk

The Half-Tusk are a peaceful orc society that lives in the mountains. Though they have only been established for about 30 years, their ranks have steadily grown as their agents recruit defectors and fellow pacifist members of the "beastly" races (dragonborn and tiefling).   They work closely with a village near the bottom of the mountain, trading magic and combat skills for common goods and supplies.   The Half-Tusk pray to Lady Eldath (also referred to as Mother Guardian of Groves, The Quiet One, The Green Goddess, Mother of the Waters, and Goddess of Singing Waters), a goddess of peace and water, in direct opposition to the traditional orc god of violence and fire. They follow her neutral good alignment, never starting conflicts or even participating in them unless their kin are harmed, and always working to better the world.


The chief of the Half-Tusk is an elderly half-orc named Dradak, who controls the magic wards and traps around and throughout the temple but does not have a defined role in the decision-making process. In general, the Half-Tusks value actions more than any sort of vague birthright or authority, and so they function off of community votes and each person is given the opportunity to contribute ideas and decisions.

Public Agenda

To provide a safe haven for any who are seen as too weak for their birth society and too violent for those they try to assimilate into.


  • A large treasury full of preserved magical artifacts and texts
  • A significant fighting force
  • Magic barriers and traps to disguise their existence and prevent intruders
  • History

    Established about forty years ago when Chief Dradak, then 25 years old and heir to a warmongering orc clan, fled with a small band of followers in order to avoid participating in their clan's schemes. They were taken in by nymphs serving Eldath, goddess of peace and water, and were quick to adopt this faith in direct opposition to Gruumsh One-eye, the orc pantheon god of storms and war. Lady Eldath was similarly quick to grant them her favor, promising to lead them to a haven where they could live protected from their former clan, as long as they worked to provide peace for similarly troubled souls. They agreed, and so Eldath sent a few of her nymphs to ferry the orcs down one of the many rivers branching from the origin of her sacred waters until they were lead through a mountain tunnel and to the underground caverns that became their new home.

    Demography and Population

    Orcs, tieflings, dragonborn, and any human or otherwise hybridizations of them
    Religious, Temple
    Alternative Names
    The Half-Tusk, Mountain Sect of Eldath


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