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Amn is a tremendously wealthy nation also known as the Merchant's Domain. Before the joining of The Heartlands and Cormyr, Amn was the country with the highest population, a number that typically sat right around 3 million. Its population was made primarily of humans outside of the major cities, but within the cities it had a wide diversity of races present. Due to the country's wealth and natural resources, Amn quickly became one of the most influential trading centers in Faerun. The crowning jewel of this powerful state was the capital city of Athkatla, a bustling port city founded in 0 DR. Due to its influence and wealth, it gained the nickname The City of Coin.   Amn supplied goods throughout all of Faerun, trading with almost every country on the continent and even having an outpost city across the sea on Maztica. Amn is also the country that started the Golden Way and controls most of the caravans that use it.   Amn is the only country in which nobility can be bought outright. Due to this, there is a constant political struggle throughout the entire country. At the top of it sits a king named William Westmoore. The king of Amn is by far the richest person on Faerun, requiring a hefty tariff on all foreign trade to Amn. This allows Amn to flourish, since as they control most of the trade other nations have no choice but to begrudgingly accept this tax.   Due to Amn being the richest country on Faerun, It employs the service of The Radiant Shield to help protect its land and oversee vital trade routes. While you may occasionally come across a staunchly loyal Radiant Shield member, most of them can easily be bought or bribed after spending enough time in Amn. This allows crime to be rampant in the major cities and the black market to flourish. The black market operates fairly openly in Amn, even having entire districts dedicated to them. The king and nobles of Amn turn a blind eye to this due to the more than generous donations from the merchant leaders involved in this trade.   Outside of the major cities in Amn the residents will make it a career to swindle foreigners out of their money. They will sell fake replicas of items, set up toll roads, and charge fees to enter their towns. Anything to earn some extra gold, for in Amn having money means having power.   The only strictly enforced law in Amn is that there is to be no magic used, and the citizens are naturally distrustful of arcane casters. Only the members of the Radiant Shield are exempt from this law. Amn set this law in place after the devastation of the spellplague. Most of the nations in the Lands of Intrigue outlawed magic for they were the region most heavily affected by the spellplague. Most residents living in this area still remember losing loved ones and entire countries being swallowed and devastated by the spellplague. Horrors still wander these lands as a constant reminder of those tragic times.   Any magic user traveling through the land is to not use any magic or else they shall be punished and any of those with magic of a deviant nature, such as dark magic and necromantic magic are barred from entering the land and if discovered shall be persecuted on sight. Although they are allowed entry into Amn, foreign magic users typically are refused service anywhere from taverns to merchants.   Amn typically has moderate pleasant temperatures all year round with rolling hills and farmland and the occasional hot spring. It is a popular retreat for nobles of other countries due to pleasant nature of the environment. Tourism is also encouraged within the country as to help bolster the market; there are always events occurring and games to play. Local towns will often compete with each other with festivals and events, all in the act to draw tourists away from the large cities and to their towns.   Overall the citizens of Amn are typically pleasant and welcoming, for a price.    
Besides their control over the majority of the Golden Way, Amn is also famous for their breweries across the countryside. Foreigners come from all over Faerun for their speciality ales. It is not uncommon to see Cormyrean citizens traveling to Amn just for the alcohol. Amn provides the perfect climate for breweries and even vineyards; they have a large portion of coast bringing a cool breeze to the mildly warm climate. They have few mountains and few forests, which also leads to few monsters. The people here do not know a peaceful life even with the peaceful climate though. Amn is full of bandits and those wanting to take advantage of the strong trade, as such every local in Amn knows how to defend themselves. It is also warned that every foreigner in Amn should travel with protection, and there is no shortage of Amn citizens willing to be an escort for a price.


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