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Dambrath is a southern nation that reaches unbearably hot temperatures, with the only relief coming from the rainy season that plagues the country for three months of the year. During the rainy season, the land would often become flooded and landslides would become commonplace; this led to civilizations being built mainly upon the rockier highlands. This is heavily contrasted with the large and dense swamp that stretches along the western and southern border of Dambrath.   Within this climate lived a wide range of native life. Dambrath used to be known for the finest mounts in all of Faerun and ranches were the primary economy of the northern plains of the country. Within the mountain ranges there are the occasional spotting of hill giants, and even rumors of storm giants living among the tallest peaks of the mountains.   Dambrath was a human-centric nation that was led by various kings who all sought war and conquest with their neighbors to the north. After the Spellplague of 1385 DR, communication with Dambrath has been limited. Almost the entirety of the northern plains was swallowed by the Underchasm, taking with it most of the settlements located within Dambrath. The only major cities that did not descend into the darkness were the capital Cathyr and the mining city of Herath. Ever since the Spellplague, Dambrath has turned into an isolated and secretive country. Trade with other countries has been severely limited to only a handful of select merchants and outsiders are no longer permitted to travel through the lands.   There are rumors though that the capital has been plunged into an eternal dusk and that a new queen reigns over the kingdom.    
The Great Swamp of Dambrath is the largest swamp on Faerun. The sweltering heat of this region was only enhanced by the smothering humidity of the swamp. The air here is thick and putrid from the decaying matter that litters the floor of the murky water. These fumes gather into pockets that bubble out from the murky waters in clouds of earth toned poisonous gas that drift throughout the swamp.
These gases have been known to cause Cackle Fever and Mindfire. Cackle Fever is a disease that causes the victim to have a high grade fever and become delirious with laughter while Mindfire causes them to become delirious and disorientated, if left untreated it will lead to amnesia.


Author's Notes

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