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Kulu-Ta is a northern nation on the continent of Xinsheng. It is a region filled with sharp mountain peaks that rise well above the clouds. This makes the region one that is difficult to travel to, and unsuitable for traditional agriculture methods. It is also due to this that this nation has unparalleled peace within its lands. The mountains that make up this region are referred to as the Yun Lu mountains, which translates to Kingdom of the Skies in Faerunian common tongue.   Xinshen is the common language of Xinsheng, and the continent possesses a multitude of varying dialects based on region. Faerunian common, though, is also becoming more widespread across the continent of Xinsheng due to the trading pacts of the southern countries.   The country of Kulu-Ta was founded before written record and is mostly inhabited by a humanoid race that closely resembles humans. They have pure white hair and refer to themselves as the Kalashtar. Although the Kalashtar are the primary race found here, there are numerous other humanoids that can be found in one of their many monasteries. The Kulu-Ta monks take in all that seek a home in their lands, maintaining the belief that when you join their society you sever all bonds to your old life, no matter how harrowing the crimes or how glorious the adventures. Kulu-Ta monks will occasionally set off on a pilgrimage across the lands in search of orphans in need of a home. They bring back many young children through these means and they give them a place amongst their society. The Kulu-Ta society doesn't believe in the notion of a family household, instead they hold the ideal that everyone works together, and such the children are raised collectively by the monks. This has led to a rather peaceful, welcoming society.   Although they may have a peaceful and welcoming society with no organized military, the monks of Kulu-Ta are formidable foes. They practice an ancient art that allows them to become in balance with their body and the energy that flows throughout them. This energy is called Ki, an element of magic that suffuses the multiverse and all living beings. By achieving an understanding of how this energy works, they are able to achieve uncanny levels of speed and strength.   Due to having a society dedicated to training as monks, Kulu-Ta monks have monasteries spread throughout the country, with most residing on the top of sharp mountain peaks. This makes it so that only the most hardy traveler can visit these sacred places. When a visitor does manage to find a monastery, they are welcomed warmly and given food and a place to rest. One of the main ideals of these monks is to never turn away a hungry head.   Due to their formidable strength and isolated settlements, Kulu-Ta has never been engaged in any major warfare that has spread through the rest of the countries throughout history. They have always maintained a neutral response, taking in refugees and wounded from any side.   Kulu-Ta society holds strong and noble traditions with a deep belief in the spiritual energy that is found within all living creatures.    
The mountains of Kulu-Ta rise sharply above the clouds, creating what the monks call the Yunhai, or the Sea of Clouds. A large portion of the monasteries are located at the top of these mountain peaks.
They hold a sacred notion that the Yunhai is the sea in which the deceased sail across in order to reach the afterlife. They have a tradition where whenever they hold a funeral they release a floating lantern that is said to help guide the deceased across this cast ocean.


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