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The airship is 80' long and 30' wide. It is made of wood and looks very much like a sailing ship except that instead of sails it has 4 ballonets. It has 2 cannons on each side and 2 ballista on each side of the bow.   Stats
Speed -- 8mph
carrying capacity -- 1 ton
AC -- 16
HP -- 350 damage threshold -- 20   Balista
AC 15
HP 50
One action load, one action to aim, and one action to fire ranged 120/480 ft; +6 to hit; 3d10 piercing   Cannon
AC 19
HP 75
One action to load, one action to aim, and one action to fire ranged 600/2,400 ft; single target; 8d10 bludgeoning   Teleportation Device
The airship has been retrofitted with a teleportation device. The device is two pucks that both turn into a teleportation doorway for as long as the doorway is active. To activate the doorway, one must hit the puck and both ends will open. If the puck is thrown or slapped against a wall, the doorway will appear in the wall. The puck may be affixed to an arrow and "shot" at the desired location for the door. The door is 3' wide and 7' tall. To close the door, grasp the edge of the door with your hands and pull. It will collapse back into a puck.


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