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downtime activities and expenses

It costs money to live! You can choose what kind of lifestyle you wish live, each has its merits. you must choose one, choose wisely!  
  • If you choose a lifestyle that is modest or lower, roll d100 once/month
    • if you choose a wretched lifestyle, it is free but you have a 90% chance of getting robbed and con score temporarlity decreases by 2[
    • if you choose a squalid lifestyle, it is 1 sp/day but you have a 50% chance of getting robbed and con score temporarily decreases by 1
    • if yo uchoose a modest lifestyle, it is 1gp/day but you have a 20% chance of getting robbed
  • if you choose a comfortable lifestyle, it is 2 gp/day and 0 change
  • if you choose a walthy lifestyle, it is 4 gp/day and your con score temporarily increases by 1
    • if you choose to live in the manor, it constitutes livig a wealthy lifestyle and you pay 1 gp/day considering BrightBurn owns it
  • if you choose an aristocratic lifestyle it is 10 gp/day and your con score temporarily increases by 2 and you gain a powerful ally and gain a favor
  Downtime activities:
  • Recuperating - you can end a negative effect such as a curse, injury, or madness; time and expense varies
  • Reserach - if done for 6 months at 1gp/day you can add +1 to Arcana or you could getr a +3 bonus to arcana about a specific subject. You cannot combine this with another activity
  • Training - You gain a new language or proficiency with a new tool; you have to find an instructor and it takes 250 days at 1gp/day. For more information about tool proficiences go here. Just scroll down and you will find a detailed description of what tool proficiencies can get you. Some of them are kinda cool so give it a look!
  • Crafting - you can make tools, weapons or armor at 5gp/day for as many days as it takes to equal 1/2 the market value of the item at that rate. e.g. a suit of plate armor (market value 1,500gp) takes 150 days to complete and costs 750gp in raw material. You must have proficiency in the tools required to make such an item, or you can hire someone to do it for you
  • Making magic items including weapons and armor - The items make progress in 25gp/day increments, e.g. a rare item would take 200 days to complete. You would need to craft the item as specified above or get someone to do it and a splesscaster of a level depending on rarity:
    • +1 rare - need 6th level caster, costs 5,000gp
    • +2 very rare - 11th level caster, costs 50,000gp
    • +3 legendary - 17th level caster, costs 500,000gp
      • while making magic items, the cost of living is reduced by 1gp/day. For more info see pg 129 in the dungeon master's guide
  • Corousing - see the carousing table on pg 128 of the dungeon masters guide or here


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