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"The twisted visage of a long-dead elven maiden, her skin withered and stretched along her hollow face and her eyes bereft of color or any spark of life."
Unknown adventurer
  Agatha is a Banshee, a female phantom consumed with selfishness, who resides in a small shelter of overgrown trees in the South East of Neverwinter Wood. In life she was an elf who was considered quite beautiful known to be vain at heart. Having spent her life studying the region along with living in the area for decades (some even think centuries but nobody can be sure), she has knowledge of many of the goings on around her. Naturally antisocial, a single encounter with a Banshee is rare even among adventurers, and Agatha will not suffer people's company more than once in a blue moon.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Agatha has no physical body as she is a phantom but she can take on the spectral visage of her previous image when she manifests herself. She was once an elf maiden who was considered beautiful but a hateful expression has corrupted her beauty causing her to look haggard and withered. She appears wearing long flowing robes that lightly billow in a spectral breeze along with her long hair.

Agatha is a banshee who haunts the Neverwinter Wood

Current Location
Agatha's Lair
View Character Profile
Pale green
Long dark
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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