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Baldur's Gate

Baldur's Gate, also called simply the Gate is the largest metropolis and city-state on the Sword Coast, within the greater Western Heartlands. It is a crowded city of commerce and opportunity, perhaps the most prosperous and influential merchant city on the western coast of Faerûn. Despite its long-standing presence as a neutral power, the leaders of Baldur's Gate are members of the Lords' Alliance of powers in the west.   The strong peace-keeping force known as the Watch, along with the presence of the powerful Flaming Fists mercenary company, keep the city generally peaceful and safe. This inherent sense of security allowed the Gate to keep a tolerant and welcoming attitude towards outsiders, whether they were wealthy merchants, poor refugees or, as it historically attracted, less-scrupulous individuals such as pirates and smugglers.


Adventurers were a welcome presence in the Gate, many of whom came from the far corners of Toril to seek opportunities for fame, fortune or whatever alluring endeavour presented itself. Even those from unlikely walks of life found themselves enticed by the stories that filled the city's taverns and inns, giving in to the temptation of thrill and excitement.   Many lower and working-class individuals lived in the streets of the Lower and Outer City regions. While low-skilled laborers and dock-workers ensured goods arrived to their destinations in the Gray Harbor, tradesfolk such as tanners, smiths, garment-makers and the like produced their goods throughout the city. The industry of these laborious individuals drove the economy of the greatest mercantile power of the Sword Coast.   The merchants of Baldur's Gate were famous across the Realms for their heroic work ethic, keen sense of business and outright gumption.   The wealthy patriar families were the nobility of the Upper City. While their lives were viewed as the epitome of luxury and opulence, many were civic-minded benefactors that genuinely strived to improve their home city. This Baldurian elite-class was limited to a few select human families, along with the dwarven Shattershields; no matter how rich any businessmen or merchants became, they could not buy their way into the Baldurian patriar.


Since its famous tax revolt, Baldur's Gate was ruled by four Grand Dukes, whose membership composed the Council of Four. They were elected by the citizens to serve for life or until they wished to retire. The Council served as a member of the Lords' Alliance, which included Waterdeep and Silverymoon, among other nation-states. After an attempted coup by former Grand Duke Valarken, Baldur's Gate's government underwent a major restructure and the newly-created Baldurian parliament elected the Dukes. For a time the city was ruled by Grand Duke Portyr at the behest of parliament.   This changed again however, sometime before 1479 DR, as the Council of Four was reinstated. They were still aided by the Parliament of Peers, who continued to serve as their electors as well as a legislative body. These 50 or so influential Baldurians met to discuss city matters and made recommendations to the council.


Historically speaking, Baldur's Gate was naturally well-defended by its location in a natural inlet, and the great wall that was financed by the city's founder, Balduran. However, its security was often attributed to its political neutrality and the world-view of its leadership. While the city remained dedicated to the termination of threats which jeopardized trade and commerce in the Sword Coast, it refused to involve itself with the region's political conflicts. Defense of the Upper City fell under the responsibility of the Watch, the constables who enforced the laws of the city's patriar noble class. As it has been for over a century before the Second Sundering, the rest of the city was policed by members of the Flaming Fist. Many officers within the Fist were "retired" adventurers and its highest rank of Marshal, was by tradition, one of the Grand Dukes.


The city takes its name from the great seafaring hero Balduran. Long ago, Balduran sailed to the fabled Anchorome and returned with great wealth which was used to build the wall around what became Baldur’s Gate. He left the city again, presumably to return to Anchorome, but never returned. It is now (as of about 1368 DR) an insult to misuse Balduran’s name. This can be done easily when attempting to describe a person who inhabits Baldur’s Gate (the correct term is "Baldurian").   At the time, the growing town was controlled by local farmers who mercilessly taxed incoming shipments. This infuriated ship captains, who believed that since the harbor wasn't walled in, its traffic should not be taxed, and they eventually overthrew the farmers. The four eldest captains ruled the city together, and jokingly called themselves "dukes," which stuck.   Due to an Iron Crisis caused by a Bhaalspawn named Sarevok, Baldur's Gate was almost sent to war with it's long time rival, Amn. However, this was later stopped by another Bhaalspawn. Eldrith the Betrayer later tried to usurp the Grand Dukes although a coup never actually happened, Eldrith was still put to death. Her plan was still put into effect by the Zhentarim VIA a tower made from Onyx, but put to an abrupt end by three Adventurers


Baldur’s Gate has grown enormously over the past century and as a result is almost two cities in one. The old core of the city, now known as Bloomridge, lies within the old city walls. This portion is, however, surrounded by a much larger portion taken up by suburbs and shantytowns established over the Hundred Years of Chaos by refugees. It is the population located here that makes up the majority of the city’s impressive population and unlike the core of the city, which has a distinctive architectural style, these outskirts are often a meshing of styles from all across Faerûn, a hint at the cosmopolitan nature of the city.
Alternative Name(s)
the Gate
Inhabitant Demonym


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