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Citadel Adbar

Citadel Adbar is a fortress named for King Adbar, the ancient dwarf who began its construction in −370 DR and completed it in −272 DR during the waning years of ancient Delzoun, making this the last shard of that once mighty dwarven kingdom. The Citadel consists of a massive fortified fortress that provides surface access to miles and miles of defensive granite corridors, tunnels, and hallways that wind their way under the Ice Mountains. The city could house up to 60,000 dwarves in relative comfort, though less than a third of that number were usually present.   Citadel Adbar remains cautious toward outsiders, as it's often targeted by orcs and monsters. Despite its insular traditions, this remote fortress operates as a trading city. Dwarves here excel in mining and forging their native ores, though the constant industry creates a smoky atmosphere and a cacophonous environment.


Like other dwarven communities, the population of Citadel Adbar has dwindled over generations. Recent years have brought fewer miners and intensified orc raids on trade caravans. The Thunder Blessing rekindles hope for its resurgence, with some dwarves departing for other enclaves, while a resilient faction stays, reviving production.   Most of the population consists of dwarves, with minority being humans, svirfneblins and earth genasi.


For a century, King Harbromm ruled with strategic insight. A master smith, his personal forge mark adorned the city's emblem—a blazing circle enclosing an upright, single-bladed hand axe on a silver field. He fended off orc threats, keeping the community united. After Harbromm's death, his twin sons ruled jointly, unprepared for leadership. When Bromm fell to a dragon, Harnoth assumed sole rule.


The king employs human adventurers for patrols beyond the walls, supported by two hundred dwarves stationed on the battlements of the Citadel. Additionally, 1,500 ready dwarves stand prepared to arm themselves if a horn call echoes through the speaking tubes, ingeniously carved into the rock of the Citadel. These tubes serve a dual purpose, providing a swift escape route for dwarves into the underground depths. Impressively, Adbar can equip 9,000 dwarven warriors with arms and armor in a single day. King Harbromm's guiding principle remains focused on safeguarding his people's lives and retaining Citadel security by facing all challenges within its stout walls.   The Iron Guard forms part of the militia.

Industry & Trade

The path to reaching Citadel Adbar remained a challenge for all but the bravest metal traders and daring peddlers. Oddly, despite the perilous environment with raiding orcs, prowling crag cats, and other threats, caravans often preferred the relatively safer Underdark route via Sundabar, Mithral Hall, and even Mirabar. These caravans, if they survived the treacherous journey, primarily brought grain, dried fruits, and vegetables—a valuable supply that the Citadel lacked. Fresh fruits, a winter delight for dwarves, fetched a premium price.   Annual Underdark journeys saw some caravans lost, yet those who succeeded reaped great rewards. Citadel Adbar's skilled smiths crafted exceptional dwarven weapons and armor, renowned throughout the North. All goods originating from the Citadel were held in high esteem, commanding premium prices. Forge bars for esteemed smiths across the North often hailed from here. The dwarves, consistent in their mining efforts, extracted precious metals, including mithral. However, the resurgence of long-forgotten Mithral Hall diminished the significance of Adbar's mined-out mithral deposits.   A secure Underdark route connected Citadel Adbar to Sundabar and provided access to the Everfire. Once every four years during Shieldmeet, a select group of twelve master craftsmen embarked on a perilous journey to the Everfire forge, chosen by the king. An entire year was granted to craft a singular magical weapon or armor, commissioned by the king for an undisclosed champion of the Citadel. These invaluable pieces honored deserving city defenders, typically dwarves, although an exception was noted.   Surface trade unfolded through two routes originating from Citadel Adbar's gates. The first trail wound through Cold Vale, eventually reaching Silverymoon. The second briefly connected to Fork Road at The Fork, granting access to Ascore and Silverymoon.   Surface traders supplied fresh produce to Adbar and left with metals and prized dwarven craftworks.


The Citadel stands as a formidable fortress, fortified with a series of defensive mechanisms. Protective measures include ditches primed for flaming oil, drawbridges that span deep pits, and concentric walls that can be defended one by one against powerful besieging forces. The Citadel boasts a remarkable history of repelling over 60 orc horde attacks, facing sieges by more than 10,000 orcs at a time, and at times, even tenfold that number.   The visible fortress, known as the Dragonspikes, is merely the surface portion of a larger underground dwarven hold named Adbarrim. This structure serves to maintain a secure link with the world above and shield the dwarven dwellings from the noise, smoke, and metalwork odors. Within solid granite, a vast expanse of chambers, passages, and suites stretches for miles.
Founding Date
-370 DR
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Related Reports (Primary)


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