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(a.k.a. the Grim)

Harshnag the Grim is a frost giant and a former member of the Force Grey during the 14th century DR. The Waterdhavian City Guard use Harshnag as an indicator that a neighborhood was about to become a warzone and signal citizens that should get out of that area as fast as possible.   Harshnag is particularly burly-looking, even for a frost giant. He's known for wearing the skull of a white dragon as a helmet.   Fate brought the characters into contact with Harshnag, a legendary good-aligned frost giant. In taverns throughout the North, he is known as a monster to some and a hero to others. In Waterdeep, he's remembered as the largest member of Force Grey, a notoriously destructive adventuring company that came to the city's defense on more than one occasion. Believed to be hundreds of years old, Harshnag wanders the wilderness with greataxe in hand, seeking to lay low his evil giant brethren.   He aims to protect the North from the depredations of evil giants while seeking out adventurers who share this goal. By the time the characters met him, he had already slaughtered a few giants.

Harshnag the Grim is a good-aligned frost giant and a former member of the Grey Hands

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Light blue
Pale blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snow white


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