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Noanar's Hold

Noanar's Hold is a village, just off the Evermoor Way on the edge of the High Forest, that was known for one of the most famous hunting lodges in the North. Cottages and well-kept stables rambled between the trees. One way to reach the village was taking Jundar's Pass south from Calling Horns to Dead Horse Ford, then taking the path east along the banks of the River Dessarin.   The Hunt Lords ruled the settlement years ago and arranged hunting parties for rich sportsmen of the Sword Coast. Eventually, less and less people came, as rumors got out that the Hunt Lords encouraged their guests to kill one another. Rumor has it that in their old age, the Hunt lords struck a deal with Orcus that gifted them with undead life.   Though the Hunt Lords ruled hundreds of years ago, the village of Noanar’s Hold is still gripped in fear, and most villagers are afraid to leave their homes due to the stories that the Hunt Lords will kill anyone who roams free.


Noanar's Hold was named after a famous hunter who once lived in the village keep.

Points of interest

White Hart Inn - A well-maintained inn run by Avgar Filroy and his unseen servants. Hunt Lords' Keep - The old keep of the five Hunt Lords that ruled Noanar's Hold ages ago. Now home to Amrath Mulnobar, who acts as the castellan of the Keep and a chief lawkeeper of the village.


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